Pictures From Home

They look all simplified chinese to me.
Another thing is simply stylistic. There are many various different ways to write (from regular to quite fancy, some personal linked to a calligrapher) even with the same order of strokes.

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It would make sense if 書 is only simplified as 书 for the meaning of “writing” and is kept in the traditional way when it stands for “calligraphy”

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That makes sense although i doubt myself now. My guess is the traditional writing is used in between the simplified hanzi because some kind of esthetic/resume Calligraphy, fitting better as the simplified shu (without the missing fa, sounds more like book)
Anyway you’re right, the third is not simplified.

Btw on a sidenote i am curious on how you should write the vertical stroke on the top part.
Basically It’s made of 2 strokes (elements of 2 different compounds) but Wikipedia treat it as 1 only. I dunno.


I believe usually it is a single stroke, but this sometimes is quite confusing. A similar example is characters like 里, which with the meaning of “village” is evidently the combination of 田 “rice field” and 土 “earth”, but is connected with a single vertical stroke. Even adding 千 on top makes it a single stroke in 重.

On the other hand, a character like 佳 is written with two vertical strokes in the right component.

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A few pics from home … beginning in (IITC) mid-July.

A cloud casting shadow on a cloud

Bronze of a wild boar in Lüneburg

Why a bronze of a wild boar?

The woods around my place is the “Raubkammer” (Robber’s Room), where robbers waited for the caravans coming back from Flanders with precious spices, gold, silver, cloths, etc., after selling the salt from Lüneburg.

Also in Lüneburg

(The stone is an old millstone, sadly people left their litter in the middle.)

I’ll leave it to you to translate the badge:

Some interesting fungus

for scale:

(the dog is Jasper, BTW :slight_smile: )

Also Lüneburg, the old treadwheel crane (1797) in the old harbour.

More about this crane (German):

Part of the old town in Lauenburg


Night …

Glass fiber coming soon for fast (and hopefully reliable) Internet … I CAN’T WAIT!

The roadworks at night:

Baustellenlampe bei Nacht adaptive

I cleaned the GIF so that there are no more artefacts or other distractions in it … free for you steal and use :slight_smile:
BTW, this was photographed with the “Live Photo” feature of the iPhone, which includes a short video sequence, and can be exported as a GIF animation.

My daily breakfast is (and has been for ~40 years) a banana, sometimes two.
And coffee, of course; very sweet.

I looked these up but forgot what they were (caterpillars, of course) … must’ve been mid-August.

Another beauty, I think closely related to the other one further up, some kind of wild carnation.



Just some sky, clouds, and trees

Parasol mushroom

These are very tasty edible mushrooms, and they are HUGE, can reach 30–40 (sometimes even 50) cm height and diameter! (12–20 inches!), but this was in a nature reserve, so I left it here :slight_smile:

Phallus impudicus, the Common Stinkhorn

All kinds of flies and beetles love it for its stench.

Calluna vulgaris, the Common Heather, is why the place where I live is called “Lüneburger Heide” (Lüneburg Heath)

See also:


A gift from my “baby brother” (who, at 56, is ten years younger than me)

The following from the Pietzmoor, a bog that is being re-wetted after (AFAIK) having been exploited and almost destroyed in a few hundred years of exploitation.

Note: As “Pietz” is pronounced “peats”, and as this is a peat bog, I assume that the “village”, which is a farmstead actually, not really a village (Pietzhof — Pietz farm), is named after peat, not the bog after the “village”.
(However, I don’t know enough about the Low German that has been spoken here way back when to be sure.)

Odd enough, almost all photos on this walk were made looking AWAY from the bog, no photos of the bog itself :open_mouth: I’ll have to post some photos of the bog some other time, if I remember :roll_eyes:


Someone stuck a found key in the table on that parking place in the nature reserve

Also there:

(Emergency Meeting Point/Rescue Point)

“Just some birch trees”

Zooming in again


Meanwhile it was late August and early September.

“She came in through the bathroom window!”

Araneus diadematus, commonly called the European garden spider, cross orbweaver, diadem spider, orangie, cross spider, crowned orb weaver …

Ain’t s/he a beauty?

Ventral view:

I showed him or her the way out so as to enable procreation and a better life than inside the house.

Just a narrow street in the nature reserve, now forbidden for motor vehicles. Sometimes horse carriages come here, with tourists. I myself wouldn’t want to do that to a horse, but this reminds me to take a few apples with me next time I come here.

Zooming in on a “Heide-Nelke” (heath/heather carnation) – Dianthus deltoides, syn. D. degenii, maiden pink / flashing-lights cheddar pink / meadow pink

If you’ve scrolled down here you’ll have seen two other colour variants, like, without any and with more white spots.


Today :dog2: Jasper and I were at the Pietzmoor again, a peat bog that’s being restored to its natural state. (Google Maps, Wikipedia EN, Wikipedia DE, see also what I wrote about this bog and the name further up in this thread.)

Wildlife observations …

And a little December sun, so zooming into that


(but still no frogs :sob: )


That spider though …

Amazing! Is it an aquatic or semi-aquatic spider? Like … “Giant Water Spider” (Wikipedia)? “Food includes small fish, tadpoles and aquatic insects” …


I’ve been wondering about ths size. It’s hard to guess …


It’s quite small - I’ll post some kind of reference soon.

There’s a normal-sized goldfish under the water in the shot.

I think it’s a land-based spider, it lives under a nearby rock, where we usually see it - it was a surprise to see it there, and we don’t know how it got there.


I think this crucially requires establishing what is considered a normal-sized goldfish by Australian standards. I think I vaguely see a fish-like shape in the water and any scale of comparison is not comforting at all.

Where’s that? Cirith Ungol?

No. No, not comforting at all.


Anna grabbed the goldfish out, just so you can compare:


Ok. you know what’s coming next. Now someone is bound to come along and ask for comparison size between the fish and the human :rofl:

So the spider does seem to be quite large then. The way it has spread on the whole leaf, it could turn into a Titanic meme with the “there was room on the door/leaf” theme and the goldfish that can be seen underneath the water, hunting the poor sinking Jackspider. Sadly I lack the photoshop skills to make it, but it is funny in my head. :stuck_out_tongue:

On a more serious note though, the large goldfish might be the reason that you don’t have any frogs yet.


From a nearby small town:



Christmas day Go

I’m feeling a bit guilty about the earlier jovial “reference” photo, which I left uncommented.

Here’s an actual photo from our pond, showing the leaf in question:


Looks like it is related to the Dianthus I posted further up: