Player "card" colour contest

Recently it seems that enough people are interested in having a contest to get better play card colour/layout that we should give it a go.

So here it is.

Note that this is an unofficial contest in the sense that the only prize is that I’ll submit code for the winning entry to Anoek for consideration. He has the final say on all changes, and might not accept any change at all :slight_smile:

I agreed to make a video of how to mock up colour changes - I’ve done that:

To submit an entry, simply post screenshots of what you think it should look like.

To be a valid entry, you’re going to need to be able to supply the CSS colour description of any element that you want to change (so it’s no use just photoshopping and saying “make it look like this”).

If you just want to suggest a text colour change for the existing layout, you can submit a screenshot showing the only view that you want to change (for example dark theme normal players).

If you want to change the layout at all (for example, flat background) then you need to submit screenshots showing how it works for light and dark theme and all possible player types on each (moderator, supporter, normal, pro, bot, each as black and as white).

Let’s make it even more beautiful?..


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