Where is the dislike-button when you need it???
We can always toss a Neptune
Romance of the three kingdoms 2010 and 1994, Guan Yu gets surgery while playing Go. also props to stone_defender who posts Anime GO scenes
I think it might be this tag that the AGA were using to talk about go in movies and things like that
Oh, that drama… That drama nosedived so, so hard…
(u after o reads like long o)
When you play The Perfect Move:
Nuclear tesuji:
Most action is in episodes 14 and 19
There are around 30 different posters of Go Club on the walls everywhere:
囲碁 - igo
部 - club
even openings and endings have it
This is a lie, its not “Go”, its “Go Soccer”
What??? Letting black break the Keima!!!
Looking like the perfect move is hidden very deep in the bowl
Hotel del luna.
The new frontier of playing on the first line!
(and with some dead stone not removed)
for full version watch episode 4 of Tonari no Seki-kun - this anime is ok for kids unlike the one from post above
I made Go Music Video - deleted everything not Go related:
music from Hikaru no Go - Bokura no Bouken (Kids Alive)
In the fifth episode of Around the World in 80 Days with Michael Palin, a travelogue series following Michael’s circumglobal journey in late 1988, he takes a long-distance train from Canton (Guangzhou) north to Shanghai.
At 38 minutes in, as Michael walks through Intermediate Class, there is this curious scene:
In the second it’s shown, both players seem to be playing close attention to the board, and the man on the left is fiddling with the stones without actually moving them. We can’t see any white stones on the board. The board actually looks like 8x8 or even 7x7, although I expect it’s probably 9x9.
My best guess at what happened is that Black, probably the left man, beat White in a 9x9 game and is now reviewing, without bothering to replace the captured stones.
Actually, the bowl of black stones seems to be visible to the right of the right-side man, so that would imply that the man in the white shirt is playing Black. Then again, the bowl of white stones may be hidden behind the white-shirted man’s torso, which would lead us back to the original conclusion. Or perhaps that’s not even a bowl but actually an ashtray, and Black’s bowl is off-camera to his right.
If it’s in China, they wouldn’t return the captures