❤ PUZZLES: A tsumego a day keeps the doctor away

Let’s start with an easy puzzle.

White to play and live.



White to play.





Black to play.
Fun puzzle, thank you @sneakypilot.



Anyone interested in puzzles by Go Seigen, whom by many players is considered to have been the greatest Go player in the 20th century?

I argued with Cho Chikun. I want to argue with Shusai. I can’t make it with Go Seigen too!!! :sob:

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Maybe Go Seigen supplies you with ideas, so that you have better arguments and leave Cho and Shusai speechless.

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Just for the narration

In this puzzle

I wasn’t able to find a solution. I was trying to kill.
So I used hints and arrived to the solution:

It’s a ko, isn’t it?
In puzzles for my level usually "ko is not the answer. But, hey, stronger players look for the best they can get. So it’s ok.

Then looked further into that position and thought: wait! It’s white’s turn. If white plays E19 he’s alive!

Black must connect. Otherwise white captures two separate stones and makes two eyes.
But after black connects, white can capture the whole group and has miai: C19 or G19 to make two eyes…

If black takes G19, C19 is alive.
If black takes C19, white G19, what could black do to kill white???

Well, the damn one leg chicken! :rage:

So, ok, Shusai was obviously right. E19 doesn’t make life. Black manages to get a ko for the whole corner.

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Cool. You really made a big step. :slight_smile:
Somehow I get the impression that you start to like tsumego :grin:

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If you like go, you can’t really hate tsumego. Can you? :wink:

But I’m very thankful for this kinda workshop, since it makes tsumego homework less boring.

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Nice, never too late to learn a new expression (the chicken leg).

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Okay, here are some puzzles by famous go players whose names starts with the letter S. Two easy ones by our local hero @shinuito

Black to start.



White to move.



And two tough ones by our universal hero Go Seigen. (Don’t let your self be intimidated by the ranking, I think it is a bit pessimistic.)

Black to move.



White to move.




In the category not too difficult a puzzle from @2022vs.
Black to move.



And here are three Shusai puzzles.

Black to move.



THis one is great, love it.
Wish I had known it years ago.
White to play.



Black to play.



Finally two things:

  • sometimes my ranking of the puzzles I entered is inadequate. If you encounter such puzzles, please let me know. When ranking I often feel like a blind man in a dark room. :slight_smile:
  • if you find an interesting puzzle collection on OGS, let me know so that I can offer puzzles from it in this thread.
    You can also put those puzzles in this thread. I don’t mind if other players add puzzles.
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Do you have solutions for Shusai’s puzzles?
Do they give some motivation for moves?

Sometimes I see something I don’t understand and wish there could be author’s thoughts about that.

Anyway any suggestions or explanation are welcome.

Shusai 1

After first move we can understand that the goal is to save A18 stone and reduce or take the corner.
Actually white’s shape on the side is a bulky five which may be killed, so at first I thought that was the goal.

Anyway if black can’t save A18 he can’t think about killing white. So, let’s save A18 first.
It seems to me that white makes some wrong moves.

  1. After black C19 why D18?
    From the solution we know that it doesn’t work. But what about B18 or B19?

  1. After white D18 and black E18, white C17 seems quite a odd move. It’s useless (black connects) and takes away a liberty.
    While B18 and B19 still seem to work for me.

I then tried to proceed as white, trying to settle the group on the side but I couldn’t find a way.
So actually saving A18 kills everything.

I then realised that capturing A18 and connecting back for white isn’t enough to live: even with A18 captured, black can prevent white from making an eye in the corner.

Is that the reason for white’s attempt to come out instead of capturing?

It’s just too hard for me: even with solution I can’t really understand that puzzle.

I would love to know what the author’s motivations are, but unfortunately the captions in these books are in Japanese. So all we can do is discuss and speculate.
And to be honest I also don’t always understand why some moves are made and others not even considered.

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But we have people that can read Japanese. :grin:
We can’t translate a book, but maybe we could do few quotes.

And what about augmented reality translation? :smile:

Edit: I just tried Google translator app and it works nice! You could check that!

Augmented reality translation. Wow, I really am a dinosaur. Didn’t even know it existed. :rofl:

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Howdy, let’s start with an endgame puzzle for DDK-players. In the endgame playing moves in the right order is important. Go for the biggest move. And keep the initiative. Black to play.



Two almost identical Shusai puzzles, but what adding a few stones to a puzzle can make a difference! Black to play.



In the next puzzle a white stone is added at C16 and a black at B17.
Black to play.



This (almost identical) twin puzzles phenomenon is something that Shusai did in more cases; adding a stone or maybe two stones and thus creating (totally) new puzzles.

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With a so intense recording training, you may have better chance if you apply for kifu scribe in tournaments. Did you think about it?

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What’s a kifu scribe?

Looks like a possible variation from previous starting point.

Something like “it’s daaaaaad… and with this stone? It’s still daaaaaad” :laughing:
(quote from Haylee’s ten shapes in the corner)

BTW did you try augmented reality translation? I am curious about the results from Japanese

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Kifu is the Japanese go term for game record.

No, I don’t own a smart phone.

I know the word kifu but I don’t know the meaning of “kifu scribe”.
Is it someone who writes kifu for someone else?
And when/where does this happen?

It’s a pity. I must try that myself.