Yes there is, and rightly so i believe:
Do you know the game where you try to guess players’ ranks just from the moves? Why don’t we try that?
Here’s a game for you (originally from OGS):
I’ll say that the game lasted 40 minutes and black’s and white’s ranks are the same. Both players look legit.
How would you evaluate their ranks?
I’ll give away the answer in a day or two.
Round 1 is over, answer is here .
Players are not all the same rank.
Guess the rank of the players.
The same players first game didn’t play in the second game (so diff ranks)
Hint 1: one game is from roughly 2-3 years ago and the other is from a couple months ago.
Hint 2: one game was live and the other was correspondence.
Game 1:
Game 2:
Have fun.
Answer will be given in a week or so, maybe 2 weeks cause there’s another one going on and…
judging a players strength is extremely difficult, and honestly it is the bigger assumption on your part to think that you can do it, from a single instance no less.