Rengo status

Yep, impossible to cover all edge cases :sweat_smile: So at some point you can fall back to a random letter, or the first letter of the emoji name, or the default circle. I was just thinking how to minimize those cases.


Doesn’t matter. 2 same letters still better than same circle for everyone. But using 2nd symbol of name may be confusing. Circle already ok anyway. Better to replace circle only when it will not lead to something confusing.

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I suggest a match with Gennan+Groin+Gia against Samraku+Shinuito+Stone_defender.


Or simply a number counting down that indicates for each player when it’s their turn.

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I’m in with live settings if possible.

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Coming back from a live rengo these three things are not mentioned in the list:

  • (automatic)handicap is not working at all. Being planned or not, it would be great to hide it.

  • Fork is not working. Same would be great to hide it.

  • In case of many players, the info on the game cannot be read.

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Don’t know if this has been brought up, but rengo doesn’t seem to be triggering the top-right ‘your move’ circle.

Odd because I could have sworn that was working previously.

Screenshot 2022-01-19 121855

Also the game info names spill into the body:

Even on normal games, the names area is very tight against the rest.

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It looks like GameInfo layout is an issue for regular games as well

Interesting: this bad behaviour kicks in at screen height around about 920 in Responsive Chrome Tools, when the Game Info Pane starts shrinking vertically.

CSS gurus?

( Edit: I’m stuck on this one. )

The list of stuff people would like is getting long again, and it’s easy to get distracted by the newest or coolest idea.

What should the focus of development effort be on first? What do you care about seeing really soon?

  • Casual Mode
  • Game Info Panel layout
  • Chat in the Challenge Pane
  • Game History layout & rengo details (Profile Page)
  • Concensus Resign
  • Auto Advance buggy
  • You have won X against player Rengo update
  • Show vacation for Rengo game players
  • Don’t do AI score estimate for Rengo players in game
  • Don’t allow analysis for Rengo players in game
  • Invite my friends to a challenge (no-one else)
  • Email notifications about challenge status
  • Editable challenge parameters

0 voters

Edit: “Casual Mode” is for AFK/early resign prevention: per-player clock and resign/disconnect drops the player not the game.


Wait a minute, why do we even need the rengo teams in the Game Info Panel? They are right there in front of you before you click that button …

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What is casual mode? Separate clocks?

Yes, see original post:

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I chose casual mode and chat, but very close 3rd option is consensus resign.

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I really understand what is driving “Casual Mode”.

Without that mode, live games are a gamble and large correspondence games will never get far.

I don’t understand what is driving “Concensus Resign”. Sure, it makes sense, but why is it critically important?

Care to elaborate (anyone/everyone)?


Remember that huge rengo started by Sofiam which ended at move 9 because a guy pressed the resign button?


But that would already be solved by casual mode.


I’m open to playing in a team with strangers but I’d like some insurance against resign trolls.

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In the casual mode, does there exist a “resign for the team” button, or “resign” just means that one person steps out?

The latter I think : a person resigning just steps out.

Perhaps a part of the Consensus Resign popularity can be explained by people being unclear about casual mode.