Rengo status

Can someone explain to me, appropriately for my 5-year-old brain, how to tell who played what move in a rengo game, because I can’t seem to grasp it and always end up confused?

Disclaimer: This is not a comment on the current way things work, or a suggestion or anything, just plz help me understand how current design works. :crying_cat_face:

Here’s how I do it:

  1. I go into analysis mode.
  2. Go to the move I want to know about. (mental note, what color is it?)
  3. Then go back one move.
  4. The “active” player in the color of the played more should be the player that played it.


  1. Go to the move that you care about
  2. The player at the bottom of the player list should be the one that just played.
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I timed out, so I’m not even in the card. :sad face is extremely sad and ashamed:
EDIT: I’m stupid, if I start going through the game my name shows.

I’ll try your way, see if it helps, thanx!


Pretty sure byo-yomi and fischer can already both go up to 4 hours, can’t they? Or are we specifically only talking about simple time for rengo?

Simple time for rengo for casual mode.

(Rengo thread here, right? :wink: )


As I’ve said before, its not as easy as that.

In the game you pictured it was feijoa who played last. frolag’s name just happens to be at the top.

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what? no feijoa here


I meant hypothetically. You showed a picture that does not represent what the solution you proposed would do. You made it look as if F on the stone would correspond to an obvious F nearby (unless you mean that the person who played last should appear like that below the board?)

I propose only F on stone, name below was just to explain idea

Right, but the idea doesn’t work that well, because in fact you won’t have the player’s name right there to remind you, and there will be more than one player starting with that letter. Your picture would have been more accurate without the name there: we are forced to wonder "who is ‘F’’?

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currently there is O on stone for Oplayer1, Oplayer2 and Bplayer3
with my idea there still will be O for Oplayer1 and Oplayer2 , but there will be B for Bplayer3
so my idea is inevitably better than what we have now


Yes specifically Simple time (probably not scoped to Casual Rengo, although that is the motivation since Simple is the only available option).

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FWIW, I would like to put the player’s avatar on the stone, at least on desktop screen sizes.


Fortunately, this is entirely a front-end consideration, so anyone can do this :smiley: :wink:


avatar may work not good if stone is too small (when screen is small and board is big)
and it looks harder to implement
while just replacing symbol looks like something already almost possible. Before submitting move, there is + instead of O , and there is mark tool in review/analyze where any symbol may be placed on stone

*looks at Goban repo and runs the other way*


this is probably why he said

Getting first letter of user’s name is probably actually harder than just calling their profile picture…
You’re confusing the ease of swapping O to A with the complexity of A being specifically what letter the last user’s name starts with.

It’s very easy for somebody to win the lottery, it’s very hard to make that somebody specifically you.


It’s not actually that bad: I started down this path before getting interrupted with the higher priority things that were messing up games.

There’s a place where we’re rendering the stone and we have the canvas. A callback to the client for “would you like to splat an image here” seems clean.

Bhydden knows what he’s talking about here:

Players are just numbers to most of the code - when you want them to appear you just say “show player 10 here please, in name plus rank format”, or “avatar format”, which is why sorting the teams by rank is not as easy as you would think.


I see no complexity in creating algorithm of getting first symbol of “word”.
only complexity may be doing anything in code of OGS

^^ I think I just explained this :wink:

But to be honest, the debate about this feature is not whether it is difficult or not (it is not difficult, but it is not trivial), it is whether it is worth the effort, how to make it effective, and how to prioritise it against other things we need.