Rengo status

Heh heh, we are taking over the top of each other :smiley:

Possibly worth focussing on:

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On the internet? *surprised pikachu face*

and most importantly, WHO is going to do it :slight_smile:

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Yes indeed that plays into it :slight_smile:

One thing to emphasise is that we debated “why do we want this feature?” previously, and stone_defender successfully explained the point. I want to re-state what I said back then “I understand”.

I can see why this is not at the bottom of the feature list for Rengo, and I was inspired enough to at least investigate putting avatars there as a better solution than letters.

I think it is unfair (although understandable in the face of frustration) to say that:

The complexity is not in the code, it is in trading off all the things that we want done, and in persuading everyone that the thing you want most is the thing that they should want most :wink:

How much effort a thing is obviously plays into this, but everything is effort when you have limited resources.

Personally, I want the bug where OJE stopped displaying the sources of joseki fixed, more than I want “who played that stone”.

Personally, if I were going to spend time on it, I’d want something better than “the first letter”, even though I agree with stone_defender that the first letter would be an improvement on ‘O’.


I talked about technical sense only in that post

Then you are incorrect :slight_smile:

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Workaround: Change username to one_defender :yum:

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good idea, obenjito

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Although I fully understand and share the need for symmetry, square of profile pic doesn’t have to be exactly within the circle of stone. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Late night stupid idea: moves in analysis get that blue thingie when there’s a comment, so they can get thingies added. Could the profile pic go there? When it’s a string of moves and not on the goban blocking the game, maybe it’s more forgiving in smaller screens?


Here we see 83 people have done “anything in code of OGS”


Also, one of them is me. In fact, I have done at least 101 “things” in code of OGS, and I am in no way a talented or experienced programmer. Before starting work to help OGS, I had never touched JavaScript, let alone React or TypeScript… I fumbled my way through and asked lots of questions, but I am a perfect example that complexity is NOT “doing anything in code of OGS”

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Actually, I was considering placing it next to the stone, transparently perhaps, and perhaps disappearing like a bubble popping. No kidding !


Or even only on mouse-over, but I don’t know if this is too ambitious.

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Unfortunately phones don’t have mouse-over.

Following up the popping like a bubble: this is kind of like “the person takes their hand away from the board” FWIW.

It would have to stay there in correspondence, I suppose.


Desktop users miss out on so many nice things because of this one line. :frowning:

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Like when we touch someone’s avatar im the forums and their short profile pops up?

OT but still I can’t find a way to see what move a game is at on my phone without entering analysis mode, on desktop is right there left of the chat :confused:

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Hmm you’re right. I’ve come across that problem too…

…I’d better go remove it from the desktop version too to make it fair for everyone :rofl: /j


Just imagine all the misclicks that would cause :smiley: :smiley:


OGS: come for the flavors, stay for the service.

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My speech was not clear. I think we talk about different things.