Rengo status

Slightly concerned that the rengo list may become very full of correspondence games that never start, crowding out the live game challenges. Perhaps they should be split, and live rengo challenges placed in a category under the standard live challenges?

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Given that it is attracting interest, at least initially, this may need to be dealt with.

When you have screenshot of it actually being a problem in practice, let’s review?

Edit: I looked at the Play page just now, and I can see that at the very least Rengo challenges need to be sorted by time-setting.


Will this screenshot do?

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LOL I think that is a different problem

Not much I can do about that, I think?

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Isn’t this the problem?

Oh, when I asked about a screenshot, I was referring to

… however just visiting Play page convinced me already :slight_smile:


Hm, I still think this is an issue that should move up the ladder… Waiting for a corr game to start for hours is very logical, but this not allowing me to create any other challenge, including live games, is a problem.


Got it - I see. You’re right, of course: I’ll see what can be done.


There’s a bug in the Active GAmes list. The opponent’s clock is shown under the size column for rengo games.


A minor thing that hasn’t been mentioned so far is that “auto advance to next game after making a move” doesn’t work when you play a move in a rengo correspondence game

Edit (in order to not to add another message): I’m sorry, I missed it

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Yeah - I see that. Thanks.


It’s not very clear, but that is this one, thanks.

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This problem also appears in my Active Games. Maybe there should also be a checkbox there to only show rengo games?

Edit: fixed quote

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Do correspondence organizers get a notification when their game is ready to start?

Edit: fixed regex for @BHydden :slight_smile:

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Currently not


While setting up today’s Streamer Rengo Battle TelegraphGo wanted to accept Gooplet’s challenge, but was confronted with an error message saying “‘NoneType’ object is not iterable”.

Error message: 'NoneType' object is not iterable

Workaround used: TelegraphGo created a new challenge and everybody was able to join.

PS: Sorry that I couldn’t convince myself to share less of the screenshot.


I would rather you either say it the American way or the correct way, rather than trying to accommodate both :rofl:





That message means “whatever happened really wasn’t supposed to happen” :wink:

If anyone can reproduce it and tell me what the network section of the console says, that would be truly awesome. I have it on the list to make better messages pop up in this kind of situation.

Actually, just knowing what button was pressed to make that message would help. I’m guessing from the context it was “Start”.