We’re all super excited that rengo has been implemented on OGS!
Sofiam:dolphin: reached out to me about doing a celebratory collab, so we asked a couple other streamers to play with us. 2022-01-07T21:00:00Z, four of us will be going live to play Rengo on-stream together!
Since it’s so last-minute, we decided to do the simplest thing, which is (for us) to have all four streamers stream simultaneously.
We will use a “multistream” tool - you can choose to watch any one of us individually by going to our respective Twitch channels, or you can watch all four simultaneously at this link - Multistre.am
I once watched Dwyrin playing against Haylee.
It was on YouTube and I was able to put each one of them in a different screen.
It was super fun since I could hear thoughts of both players, but I had to pause them one at a time, so it was quite long.
I can’t even imagine how to manage four streams together!
You can actually have 3 of us on mute and just tune in to one; we’re going to be on a voice call together.
We might periodically mute ourselves to the group call, and just talk to our individual chat, but we haven’t had much time to plan things so we’re going to be doing this on the fly.
It was so much fun we will definitely do it again It was very last-minute, so we figured a lot of people would miss it. In the future, we’ll be more organized, and might try consolidating everything to one stream rather than multi-streaming.
I’m pretty sure all four of us recorded VODs of it as well, if you’re interested