Rengo tournament

P.S. However the rank of :dolphin: is undefined. In my previous post I classified her among the mid-sdk since it corresponds to her average rank in correspondence games, but depending how she plays she could be anything between 11k and 6d.


I posted teams in the wiki.

Anyone feels strongly against those, please let me know, otherwise I’ll work on balancing them.


Possible handicap table:


  • As I said, the rank of Team 4 is undefined, I assumed it is somewere between (teams 1, 2, 3) and team 5.
  • With the suggested handicaps, matches will be easier for the stronger team but the weaker team’s winning chance is not too low.
  • I’m not sure at all about the last column. Team 6 should decide which handicap they prefer. You may want to decrease the handicap if you dislike high handicap games, however you will get more difficult games.

Maybe @_Sofiam and @Jon_Ko can chime in?

The rest is how I was thinking about it as well.

@_Sofiam what rank should we register you as?

@Jon_Ko team mate, how do you feel about our handicap?

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I’m okay with it. I wouldn’t be surprised if our average rank was 9k instead of 11k , but with the given handicaps that should still put as at 50:50 or 40:60. At least according to my understanding of OGS’s ranking and handicap system.

Maybe we should reduce our handicaps all by one to H2-H5, if we play with handicap at all.

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Now I am 1k (although often on ogs my rank is worse) and 1k is my rank on EGD, I would say that can be okay. I don’t assure my teammate that I can play at that level, though. I’d say everything between 2d and 6k is fine.
You know I don’t like ranks :sweat_smile:

But the tournament should be without handicap, right?
(Sorry, I didn’t read everything well and can’t right now)


So something like this? Or smaller handicap if @Gia prefers?



I think @jlt’s table is fine.

Maybe Team 5 could play without hc if they prefer, but I think it’s better with.

And in my experience, playing with no handicap against much stronger opponents in a tournaments takes all the fun out of it pretty quickly :woman_shrugging:t2:.

It’s different between SDKs and stuff, but honestly I’m tired of playing SDKs and 10kyus in even games in tournaments.


Let’s recap:

  • Japanese rules, komi 6.5 for even games, komi -6.5 for reverse komi games, komi 0.5 for games with 2 handicap stones or more. Handicap table indicated above.
  • Fischer timing, to be determined below.
  • If n<m, the player of Team n whose name appears first creates the game against Team m. For instance, a8090 creates all games involving Team 1, martin3141 creates all games involving Team 2 except the one against Team 1, etc.
  • Composition of teams:
    Team 1: a8090 (1d) and OnoKakafeniks (5k)
    Team 2: martin3141 (2d) and Conrad_Melville (7k)
    Team 3: jlt (1d) and yebellz (6k)
    Team 4: _Sofiam (1k) and proxy1 (7k)
    Team 5: teapoweredrobot (6k) and Feijoa (6k)
    Team 6: Jon_Ko (4k) and Gia (18k)
  • Analysis disabled.
  • 1d+12h up to 2 days, pauses on weekends
  • This is too fast, need at least 1d+24h up to 2 days, pauses on weekends
  • This is too fast, need at least 1d+48h up to 2 days, pauses on weekends

0 voters

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Thanks everyone for figuring out how this is going to work.

I suggest naming all the games “Rengo Tournament” or “First Rengo Tournament.”

I think people have been having some tournaments, just not through the forums.

So maybe “Ogf Rengo Tournament”?


I know the poll results are for off, but as I mentioned

I rarely use analysis, so this is not about my personal preference, but making everyone’ style feel welcome.

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You could also link the games in the forums with the new embed feature and be able to watch them here “live” (well they’re correspondence, but they’ll update) :slight_smile:


I’m interested.


We’ve already started this round, but I hope we get a second one!


This game has just finished

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