One concrete problem with casual rengo is that we don’t have a “team concensus resign” function.
It was never my intent that casual rengo should “support” individuals stopping playing one at a time when it suited them.
Rather, its original intent was to simply to protect the team from players dropping out by timeout and prematurely ending the game. This was viewed (by me) as a dishonourable thing to do that was causing problems with rengo.
That’s why it’s called “drop out”.
At the time that I put this feature in place, I did not support this idea.
I still don’t support the idea that “everyone (or anyone) has the right to time out” as a general statement.
IF you run out of time to think about a move in a live game, then sure, that’s a valid timeout.
But casual players in rengo timeout mostly because they lose interest, IMO.
The person who has the turn is the person who decides for the team whether the game is over or not by passing or resigning. A “resign” should mean that the team resigns.
The other players should have no influence on the game - it is not their turn.
Some things have changed since then - I’ve come to appreciate that more support for even more casual involvement is something people would like, and also we’ve discovered that the implementation that was put in place at that time was not ideal.
That’s the history of why it is how it is. I am still not entirely comfortable with the idea that players time out of rengo games, much as players should not time out of any games. It’s rude, IMO.
But it is certainly the case that the way casual rengo games can end could do with some tweaking.
… but there are a number of things higher on The List than this.