Review request 6k vs 5k


Can some kind people review this game please:

FYI - this was originally a DGS game (DGS - Game #1355427,179), hence the username differs from my OGS handle. NB: dragon-devourer = biggsy, i.e. I was playing white.

I have already posted my own self-review here:

I had a poor opening and I was behind but then managed to make a come back after the opponent made a couple of mistakes and I cut off and killed a load of stones (lower-left). Then I killed some more and they resigned. I’d like some pointers on where I went wrong in the opening and while I was behind please.

There is already some discussion of my invasion of the micro-Chinese framework here:

I am hoping to move those posts from that topic to this one. The advice there was that I invaded the micro-Chinese too early, with a weak approach and with a weak follow-up. But what more can I learn from this game beyond from the bodged joseki?

Thanks :smile_cat:

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The only comment I have is the bottom right corner. The white r5 move is an invasion with two black stones there already. So as long as you contain/reduce the black territory a little with light shape, the goal is achieved. In the game, this white group becomes heavier and heavier, which is why white is behind in opening.

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Some thoughts:

Move 8-24

Definitely an unhappy position for white. Resulted from quite a few slack moves after move 8. First remember that when high approach is pincered, attaching 3-3 is a big move, and it’s almost never wrong to take it right away. The reason is apart from its big endgame value, after taking 3-3 white has the option to make a basis locally.

Shoulder hit was fine but keima is slightly passive since it gives 0 pressure to black. I’d play hane but it requires some fighting skills to handle the cut.

When black R7, connecting is the last choice to consider, because it makes the Q5 stone look silly. P9 is huge. Remember with 3-3 attachment it’s impossible for black to completely secure the corner.

Then P4 and O5. Never play those moves. What did white gain from them? What did black gain from them? Would black move in this area to prevent white from playing them in sente?

P9 is still big. More influence towards the center, easier to run if attacked and more pressure on black’s three stones.

Move 40 and 44

Attacking black’s group is the priority. At this moment the left side isn’t really worth investing a move in, since the corners on the left side are both pretty solid.

I’d connect to prevent black connecting. Once the two groups are connected the situation is totally reversed: black’s weak group is alive and white loses the base. Maybe black can live on the top side but it doesn’t matter, as long as white can seal black in and keep attacing the group on the left.

Move 68

Sharp move. Very nice. Keep playing moves like this.

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Thank you @txwolf and @terrific - helpful comments so cheers :beer: