Review request 7kyu vs 5kyu


can anybody have a look at my game and give me some insights what i could had done better…

The game was already reviewed by my oppnent, but i just want to have another person to say his /her opinion, because i think i can learn a lot from the game

Thank you to all


continuing my point from this topic, which which has posts you might also find useful, about good shape, when the opponent plays tenuki with a bad shape, it is always a good idea to punish them for it, instead of letting it slide. Here is a possible result:

Another example a bit later, you are both playing cuttable shapes (A, B and C, D) nearby each others’ stones. Your opponent cut you immediately and got the better result in the real game, however:

However, let’s say you had cut immediately instead:

Now it is your opponent that is in deep trouble.

Even if White opts for this:

Black is still going to win most - if not all - of these fights.
Most probably there are tesuji that higher level players can deploy to these sorts of, but for our level, as long as you go for the good shapes and go after the opponent’s bad shapes, that is more than enough to bring you great results :slight_smile:

Black can also kill the group directly there, now that I am looking at it. Here is a possibility (again there might be some tesuji to save it, but if there is it is not something I’d find during the game):

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Speaking of good shapes and tesuji, here is a nice one, if you ever manage to make a move like A a double threat and the opponent has to ignore it:

If the opponent ignores it then the stones are gone:

And if the opponent tries to save them, the bad shape continues to cause trouble (you can pull out your own stones or if they were safe you can pressure both those groups. In this case your marked stone is compromised so you cannot really pressure the groups, but you can get your stones out safely. However in other cases, it might be doable and it is just another example of the usefulness of exploiting that bad shape. In this case it is an incomplete bamboo joint that is being exploited. )

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Punishing a bad shape might be a good idea. But beware of adding too many moves in a small area when your opponent is playing tenukis.

Here is a possible result:

White is developing on all four sides of the board, while Black only played stones in two corners.

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White cut. In the game, Black sacrificed half of their group to save the other half.

But the white cutting stone can be captured with a geta (or “net” in English). I’m not showing how. It’s a good exercise.

Actually, there is probably more than one solution.

When this happens in the game with such short time settings, you have less than 30 seconds to find the solution, so it’s important to exercise :slight_smile: Finding a geta can really turn a game around, given how important cutting stones are in go.

Plus, the superhuman AI HanDol lost against Lee Sedol because it misread a geta. So if you can read a geta correctly, you can defeat a superhuman AI :wink:

Small hint:


If this “forcing” move is sente for Black, then every move works for black. Black can throw a stone randomly and it’s going to capture the white cutting stone. So, assume that this move is not sente.

I don’t think any simple net works to capture L9. I probably would provide the details rather than leave them looking for a net that might not work.

Especially if the answer is something like “this move is sente then the net works”, because that’s more like it’s possible to save the stone but it’s just worse to do it - which I wouldn’t treat the same as this net works no matter what.

Edit: I missed the small hint, but I think that peep loses like 20 points for example so probably wouldn’t be a good way to capture the stone.


  1. If you don’t want to solve this tsumego, that’s your problem. But please don’t tell me that I have to give the solution. And please don’t tell others not to solve the tsumego.

  2. I’m going to politely ignore your “might not work” comment. Perhaps you misread?

No, I am not going to “provide the details”. It’s a tsumego. What good would possibly come from me handing out the solution? That’s a rhetorical question.You want to improve? Practice and do tsumego. You don’t want to do tsumego? That’s your problem. But please don’t come and tell me that it “might not work” and that I should “probably provide the details”.

I shouldn’t have to say this, but if you do find a working solution, please don’t post it. Let others have a change to solve the tsumego for themselves.

It’s the second time today that you’re trying to argue with me for no reason. Please, please, please stop. I have zero patience for attacks on internet forums.


I think you’re probably misinterpreting my tone. I can hardly force you to give someone a solution.

It was just a suggestion, since if it does work, it might not be very simple, like one move, and it might end up being worse than the game variation, given that Black can probably save the three stones below.

It’s just a discussion really, I think you’re over emphasising something that isn’t there.

I’ll agree to disagree about Tsumego solutions.

This is a very good point and I try to do that a lot (and usually fail a lot :stuck_out_tongue: ), so I guess everything in moderation and timing needs to be also considered when it comes to punishing a bad shape or an incomplete joseki that was left hanging.

I was more focused on the moves and I forgot to mention that this doesn’t need to happen immediately, but it is good to know that the posibility and threat is there. Thank you for pointing this out :slight_smile:

The idea to punish when someone change road from what you learn is obviously a good idea and even more if it push you to read what is not in the book.
Now let be aware that at times the loss by a failure may just be a mere point, or a bit less of influence or one less ko threat… Punishment then won’t be so easy to understand, to put on the board and see the benefits.
Don’t be greedy in punishing.