Robots in Terrihill: Werewolf Game 3.5

and where are the rules

The rules are at the top and we removed the cloaker.

got it

Are we ready to start at this point? What does everyone think?

It’s been so long I think we need another roll call.

Honestly… I don’t think we’re ready. I’m still not sure if our new players have fully understood the rules and are ready to commit to this game for one or two weeks.

Maybe we need a new call for players in a new thread that explains the requirements and main rules in a “beginner friendly” way.


Good idea

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Let me join if I’m not in @Haze_with_a_Z

You are in ok. It has already started.

Pm me with my roll

I already did. What are you confused about?

I get it now @Haze_with_a_Z