Rudeness about the undo button

I hope that’s just a visual bug and it would actually count as a resignation.

I doubt it. I think if you have rewound the game to the beginning by mutual agreement of a sequence of undos, then you can cancel it (I’m just guessing, but it’s what I’d expect from a “this is how the code likely works” point of view).


Ahh, I misunderstood. I thought they meant flipping back through the moves. Of course if you undo all that way it’s not an issue to be annullable, though it is maybe still a bit strange.


Lol! Really?! I am amazed that someone figured this out! : ))


I think anything that has nothing to do with Go may be called “misclick”, not just keyboard problems.

Professional made this mistake not because not knowing Go basics. Therefore it has nothing to do Go. Its misclick - in part of brain that has nothing to with Go and therefore its technically the same as keyboard problem.
You don’t have to accept undo, but undo request after such move shouldn’t be considered as “suspicious”.


this was such a painful brain misclick…

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Yep, that was a misclick for sure, and these professionals show how you handle it. You suck it up and move on, you don’t press the “undo” button and beg for mercy…



A misclick (proper) is a hand dexterity failure, not a mental lapse.

To talk of a “brain misclick” or “thinko” is to describe a different thing.


Interestingly, I’ve had a brain misclick as well (distinct from a brain fart or a “thinko”). IRL I knew where I should place the stone, I placed the stone, and about a second later I realized I placed it in a different spot. No idea how that works but it was pretty goofy.


Sounds like you were distracted?

“Thinko”, is a great term btw, I like. ^^

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Lol no it was a tourney I was looking right at the board haha


That would’ve weirded me out, true brain missclick, lmao. ^^


If a misclick is a clicko, is a thinko a misthink?


Interesting … actually almost ALL my moves are misthinks … I can’t count how many “ADHD clicks” I’ve played.


it doesn’t matter how you call it
What I am talking about - IF you usually accept undo request of normal misclick , there is no reason why you shouldn’t also accept undo request of brain misclicks

Yesterday I didn’t drink coffee and lost all of my games.

In the first one I seen that I have to save group because it has not enough liberties. But then I tried to think what to do next and … forgot about that group and played in different place. Opponent captured it. B+6.4 became W+35.3

In the third game I invented great move, tried to find alternative and then forgot what great move was. I went in analysis mode branch tree, found it, exited, 1 second left, I clicked, and see red message of error because it submitted to server too late.


Sometimes you get so involved in a position, your moves that you forget that first you have to make that one little move… And then u play… Ouch u realize you forgot to do that first.


But this not a situation that merits an undo right? That’s just a blunder that is reflected in one’s playing strength I think.


when 20kyu do 20kyu mistakes, yes
when sdk or dan do 20kyu mistakes, no, it has nothing to do with their strength

Today I did drink coffee and finally won

when professional writer makes typo, it doesn’t makes their story less interesting. It doesn’t matter if typo made because keyboard problem or because hallucination


Aren’t there any anti-doping controls in OGS? :joy: