Seeking Slow-Play Enthusiasts: Let's Unwind & Enjoy the Art of Go!

Now i remember that could be the main reason players don’t want to play slow on internet, to avoid external helps used by the opponent (AI but not only: analysis tools or second goban, databases etc…)

I suppose that from experience you already trust your opponents to not use all their time. Perhaps it works like that online, but my experience differs in real life tournaments.
I tend to avoid getting into byoyomi before late endgame, but many of my opponents do use all their time and get into byoyomi during the middle game.
Tournament organisers wouldn’t be able to schedule more than 1 round per day to account for the slowest games with 1 minute byoyomi. So it is rarely used in real life tournaments, except maybe high dan games in the European championship (1 round per day).

All players in the open european championship play 1 (slow) round per day in Leipzig this year, not only the high dans :slight_smile:

Yes, but I meant games with 1 minute byoyomi in particular. Will 1 minute byoyomi (or more) be used at the top boards (or even all boards)?

I met players who always use quickly all the main time and play their game in byo yomi for most of it. A bit of drama for a tournament organisation (and for the other participants).
Let say 200x1mn that’s over 3hrs…

I love this topic. It reminds me of so many other popular topics…

You know you’re a Go addict when… you read this and think, “That’s how long me and my friends usually spend on a club game!” :wink:

Reminds me of “Features everyone secretly wants on OGS but will never be implemented”: Live video connection to opponent during live games :sunglasses:

Seriously though, I like slow games, but I go to Go club for that as it’s the only time when I have 2-3 hours in one block to play Go. My online play tends to be 5-10 minutes here and there, so my online games are nearly all correspondence so I can think about each move. I’ve tried blitz, but it’s not for me.

Decent time settings for a 1 hour club game: 20 min + 3 x 10 s. It’s a bit fast for my liking but it gets the game done in an hour. Then you can play two in one club session.

Or for a 2 hour game (my preference): 35 mins + 10 stones in 5 mins (Canadian byo-yomi) :slight_smile:


Spent years in China ya know already. Played in different places, clubs, tea houses, parcs, friend houses, guesthouses…
Never used a clock (besides tournaments ). A game lasts what it lasts, 1-2hrs maybe?

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Yes, for most in my Go club, that is fine. They mostly play quick anyway. But me and one other play slow. We used to play without a clock but games would often last more than one club session (one session is 2 hours, we once had a 4 hour game) and would have to be resumed next time, which is not ideal. So we use a clock with a slow time limit to make sure we can play slow but not too slow. Plus, good practice for tournaments. And we have an old style analogue clock, so it’s quite nice to play with the gentle tick tick, hit the button after each move, etc.

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