A shape of questionable value I would say.
I think I had a jug in a game today:
it arose from a double hane (J6, H7) then black played defensively (G6) and I protected the cut (J7) I read that the ladder was okay for white but later, I worried that it had been broken so played the tiger’s mouth (L6)
This is all just my analysis from new-ranks-9k aka DDK thinking so possibly dubious
The same game featured an anchored B2 bomber
What happens when kyu players try to use advanced flight technology
The brick.
Nice one. It has the potential for 8 empty triangles. Only 3 of the realised here though. There’s always room for improvement!
But it has four overlapping B2 bombers!!
Such power!
To better understand the potential of the brick shape, we should introduce first the full triangle shape.
Here we go:
Note that it shares some similarities with the empty triangle , as it works well in 1% of the positions (See some under the stones tsumego for ex)
This shape is a very good example about how different people can see different things. The beginner just sees a bulk of four stones and maybe thinks: “Great, under Chinese rules these are four points, if they survive till the end.” The SDK knows that that is silly and instead enjoys the 2 crossing diagonal connections and is super-happy about such efficiency on so small a space. Certainly the dan player has some other reason yet to love this shape, but unfortunately that’s beyond my level of expertise.
Sensei library may enlighten you:
Under the stones with a full triangle
I saw a fun double shape in a low-dan game just now.
(1)–(10), A–C, and we end up with this:
Those dans know how to counter an empty triangle: with an empty triangle of course!
That’s so beautiful!
I just took down a B2 bomber.
I was losing, but after this mistake my opponent resigned. The power of B2 bombers!
I am not sure if this was listed before, but here white and black worked together to create a new revolutionary shape: behold the arrow
is that from a game? looks
1 unfinished
2 a bit over concentrated
the only use of the head is to not be kikashied for ex
Yeah, and it’s hard to imagine these 5 moves being the ones Black plays as White continues to tenuki. If it is from a real game, I’ll guess tpk.
still some aesthetic and useful as it can help to remember where to play later
Are you lost? This is a thread where we are talking about B2 bombers and full triangle shape
I miss the order of the moves