well this isn’t exactly a shape, but i think it’s still worthy to share
‘double approach’
B2 bombers are so strong, even superhuman 9-dan-pros play them! Move 201:
And it worked! Seven moves later, white realized with terror that black’s shape was too powerful, started wasting ko threats and quickly lost by 4 points.
What about a kangaroo jump? It even has the two o’s you were going for
I can’t find an actual name for it, probably because it’s less common.
Hane at the head of two stones, and then clamp! - KataGo proverb
That needs some good reading if black resists (by extending )
Symetry was broken on the next move? Where? K13? K4?
Got one more symmetrical move out of the variation! Edited
Me (white) against amybot-ddk (don’t ask! )
Nice gift wrapped in a box:
Amy didn’t take it. So rude!
From same game: tsumego, doing it wrong!
There were some serious chances for me to lose that game. Amy is so forgiving…
That shape has as many empty triangles as it does stones!
The castle ladder. (Or die grosse Bertha?)
I only realized later that that 3d is a (tricked) bot
I can’t understand where all that came from: I see two ladders where black was able to escape.
At first glance I thought it was a single ladder bouncing and coming back. But it isn’t.
It’s not 2 but 3 ladders running together. There is the link of the game. And yes not very coherent by white but the hidden text can explain that.