Should we give a nickname to OGS?

Okay, the images are mirrored, and the titles are pretty hard to translate, to be honest the below are my best guesses:

  • 死活妙機 “Curious mechanics of Life & Death”
    written by 本因坊秀哉 Hon’inbou Shuusai, famous for his match against Go Seigen, which he is rumoured to have won with help from Nobuaki Maeda, whom your previous post was about, and his match against Kitani Minoru, the match that stars in Kawabata’s “The Master of Go”.
  • 官子譜抄 “A selection of Kanzufu”. Kanzufu is apparently a collection of Ming Chinese (which is 1368-1644 China) tsumego.
    written by 橋本宇太郎 Hashimoto Utarou (from your other puzzle collection) and 小山靖男 Koyama Yasuo.