Signed in from Facebook, can I change my username?

Can you please change my usarname to ExCathedra my current name is JoséCarlosRR thanks in advance


Please remember to log out of the forum and back in to have the change reflected here as as well.

Also, if this is for privacy reasons, you may want to change or remove the “Real Name” in your profile.

Enjoy :slight_smile:

I also signed in from facebook. Could you please change my username to ComplexJS?


Please remember to log out of the forum and back in to have the change reflected here as as well.

Have fun :slight_smile:

Yeah soooo - my username from Facebook is not too anonymous either :wink: Could you please change it to “Lord-Kumbayama”? 'Cause I’m the Kumbayama-Lord :joy: Thanks a lot and great platform btw!

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Moin aus Piefkelands feucht-kaltem Norden :smiley:

Dein Wunsch wurde soeben erfüllt:

BAM, Oida :joy:

Enjoy your games, and thanks a lot for your friendly words — muchly appreciated.

Also, please remember to log out of the forum and back in to have the change reflected here as as well.

My automatic username is ThanhTùngLê
Can I change it to Aomatsu? :smiley:

Hey guys,

Been gone for a while, and it looks like since I connected my Facebook account to my OGS account that had existed before, my username was changed. Would it be possible to get my name changed to MrMonday, matching my original login? Thanks in advance!

Your wish has been fulfilled:

And another:

Since a user account “mrmonday” already exists, we cannot do that.

Care to explain about “my original login”? The existing “mrmonday” acct. actually doesn’t look like it because it is logged in from an area that is far away from the one you’re logged in from, and the rank difference is huge.

Everybody: Please remember to log out of the forum and back in to have the change reflected here as as well.

Hello, I also log in from Facebook. If possible, please change my Username to DarkLink, if available. If not, Please, would you change it to Starmist. Thanks.

Hello Admins!!! Can you please change mines to Jp2dj1? thank you!!!

Both are done! You’ll need to log out of the forums to see the change reflected here.


can you plz rename my account that shitty fb link placed my real name x_X

You need to tell the mods what to make your new username. =]

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Dear Mod’s plz rename me to AkiThePope

Done! As above, you’ll need to log out of the forums to see the change.

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Can I have a name change too please? I’d like it to be supergster17

Hello. Same issue as everyone else. Signed in from facebook, not really comfortable with having real name displayed. Can I ask you to change it to “Pond Turtle” please? Thank you very much.

Both are done! You’ll have to log out of the forums to see the change here.


May my name be changed to azide0x37 ?
Thanks for providing this great service!