Simultaneous Fractional Go Game 1

I think, however, that @yebellz should get a different choice: either two moves announced, or a single move in secret.

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Iā€™m really sorry for missing the turn.

Iā€™ll play R5 and K16 publicly if thatā€™s an option.


I think this could potentially create more problems rather than fixing one. This effectively turns the move submission of each round into a two-step process, and assuming we define a proper time interval to publicly announce the two moves, I would expect that the length of each round is extended by at least 24 hours. Also think about the possibility that multiple / all players intentionally skip their ā€œnormalā€ move submission. Once the rules accept it, this is just an accepted tactical play. But how can we even handle that situation? When all players must submit their two moves publicly, the person who posts first is at a disadvantage. In which sequence are we expecting the players to submit, and what if the players refuse for the above reason?

I suspect that the problem may be (as terrific put it very well)

If this is the case, I say swallow your perfectionism and just submit a move :slightly_smiling_face:


Now if we donā€™t interfere with yebellzā€™s capture, the lower right will look like this:

But if we play black+green R5 and black+pink R7, I think white stones would be captured too:

To me this looks better, but Iā€™m not sure itā€™s worth the two stones weā€™d have to play.


I think I need to work on enclosing the pink stones in my corner, so Iā€™ll play S13.

Poll Result


With unanimous agreement of all players yebellz may play two moves this round by announcing them publicly, at least 24 hours before the deadline.


Thank you everyone.

Iā€™ll commit these moves as mentioned above. Copying again in case anyone missed it.


I donā€™t think itā€™s worth it, weā€™d trade two of our moves for not much benefit


Round 11

Team Blue Green Pink
Black @Maharani: L16 @Jon_Ko: C10 @Vsotvep: ā€“
White @yebellz: R5, K16 @Feijoa: S12 @terrific: N2

Unfortunately Vsotvep did not submit a move in time.

New Position:



Deadline for Round 10: 2021-12-02T14:00:00Z

Edit: Note that the white chain at R5 did not get removed because it contains a stone played this round, and an adjacent black chain was captured first, freeing up its liberties. I hope this is reminiscent of how in ā€œnormalā€ go, one may play at spots with no liberties if it causes an adjacent chain of the opponent to be captured, without the placed stone being removed.


Oh, huh? I had decided to play R14, but I guess I didnā€™t submit it


That is very unfortunate, Iā€™m not sure how to handle it. Maybe we need a better system to handle missed move submissions.


Itā€™s difficult with correspondence like this, so far, I believe none of the forum games have succeeded in finishing without at least someone missing a move at some point.


Maybe we could add a day to the deadline, when someone misses a move in the future?

Or we can continue with granting public double moves (or the choice to take a single private move, essentially accepting it as a pass)?


Extending the deadline by one day would require @martin3141 to remind the players about their missing move submissions and some fallback rule if it happened too often. This would be okay, but I think our current system, of voting on whether public double moves should be granted, is adequate.


While Iā€™m of course fine offering @Vsotvep the same deal as everyone else, it does change the character of the game a bit, and Iā€™m not in a hurry, so Iā€™d generally prefer just waiting until everyone submits their move.


Also, Iā€™d be happy to just accept that R14 move and proceed as usual. I was expecting something like that and wasnā€™t planning to collide anyway.


Youā€™re right, waiting would probably be better. If @martin3141 is okay with having to remind us to make our moves, Iā€™d vote in favor of waiting next time before disclosing all submitted moves. But I think waiting should be an exception and we should keep the 48 hours in general.


Is the suggested rule this?

At the deadline, if not all players have submitted a move yet, the arbiter privately reminds those players. The round is extended by 48 (or alternatively 24 hours) and a new deadline publicly announced.

I would be fine with that.


It should be known who is holding up the game, so thereā€™s a little more incentive to play promptly. Also, everyone should remember to register a backup move in the private chat!

I propose the arbiter

  • Selects backup move(s) if available, or, if not,
  • Publicly reminds the player(s) who forgot.

And then he updates the board as soon as all the moves are in and he is ready, without a specific deadline.

By the way, I do have a backup move registered and havenā€™t had to use one yet, but of course I will deny having used it even when it happens :wink:


When all moves are in and I have time, I proceed to the next round as usual. The new deadline is basically meant as the new time where players will be reminded again, since this process can repeat more than once (unless we define a limit of how often a round can be extended).