Simultaneous Fractional Go Game 1

Well, since that thing on top didn’t happen it looks like my white chain is doomed. At least it will take two moves to kill it. It’s two steps ahead, one step back with this game. So I’ll attack blue at P9 instead.

@terrific do you know what to do?

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I don’t. If you decide to give up the dragon, remember P6 and r6 are important


Gonna try to keep it simple, but I heavily feel my 12-kyu level right now.


@terrific has not submitted a move yet. Next reminder: 2022-01-23T11:00:00Z


Sorry, thought I did…

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Round 35

Team Blue Green Pink
Black @Maharani: L14 @Jon_Ko: B4 @Vsotvep: K18
White @yebellz: J15 @Feijoa: J15 @terrific: J15

This is a first time, all three players of team white collide! Furthermore the two stones K15 and L15 are removed.


Check-in Time for Round 36: 2022-01-24T21:00:00Z

This is quite the turn of events :nerd_face:


Well, guess you didn’t have to wait for me to post this

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Ok, this is pretty bad… I had totally expected Maharani to play J15 to save the stone in atari. The white | pink L15 stone shouldn’t have been captured, since it was vital in keeping the green group enclosed… It was actually helpful for us.

So, we probably have to think for a bit on how to make sure green does not escape properly towards the centre. I can play K15, and @Maharani can play L15, finally @Jon_Ko can play M13, then the green group is cut off, but then white | green could play J16 to capture the blue stones:

It will then be a 50/50 chance between me and @Feijoa to see if the green group gets to connect up.

Me playing L15 and @Maharani playing K15 doesn’t work, since my stone would be suicide, so @Feijoa can force a connection by playing K15 as well:

Anyone with a better idea?

Why would I have to play M13? Can’t I play M19 to save the blue stones?

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Well, that wasn’t exactly what I had in mind, but wow!


Oh, genius! I completely overlooked that the two green | white groups have been separated (by black stones)!

Yes, that’s perfect!

We will also reduce the big group by a liberty, so that we can make sure to capture the rest in the next round too.

So: I go K15, @Maharani goes L15 and @Jon_Ko goes M19, then?

I don’t think we can just settle on something. If white creates a collision at M19, the white stones survive and the blue stones die. We need multiple solutions and randomly pick one.

How do we collectively randomly pick one?


If we all play random moves, we’ll pick one random variation. We just need to make sure that we don’t interfere with each other.

One possibility would be to strengthen the outside. Green is still very limited.

I guess I can play either K15 or M13, and you can play either M19 or P16, while Maharani plays L15.

K15 + M19 would capture the four white stones at the top, can only be defended by a white player playing M19.

M13 + P16 would capture the big group, can only be defended by a white player playing L15

M13 + M19 would mean that the blue group around L15 has two liberties and thus likely survives, but this may give white|green a chance to connect if they play L15.

K15 + P16 would be the worst case scenario, assuming a green or pink stone at J16.

Something like this?

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That’s pretty much what I had in mind too, thanks for writing it down.

I think you’re overlooking a white liberty here, but if white+blue/pink plays at M19 to prevent the capture of the small white chain, the big green chain get’s captured.

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Ah, you’re right… Geez, capturing is seriously hard in this variant…

If white|green plays M19, we don’t have to fear connecting up as much, so that won’t be a problem either, then.

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Now the question is: Do we have to do some probability calculations? :sweat_smile:


I think psychology works better. I’m 90% sure of what white|green will play.

I can see through you, @Feijoa