Simultaneous Fractional Go Game 1

That would be helpful if you can reduce black’s liberties in lower left. Since it’s not urgent, so do that when you don’t have good moves outside.

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I think I have to play E12.

Round 64

Team Blue Green Pink
Black @Maharani: H8 @Jon_Ko: E12 @Vsotvep: F11
White @yebellz: F11 @Feijoa: A6 @terrific: J8

Placing all stones …

…E12, F11 and H8 are removed. New Position:


Check-in Time for Round 65: 2022-04-06T06:00:00Z


I still think the connection at J9 is quite important for @Maharani.

Trying the E12 / F11 capture is going to cost black two moves each time, but can be obstructed by any of the white players with only one move. Therefore, it’s not economically viable to keep playing these two moves with two players long term. Perhaps we leave it up to chance? Sometimes some Black players play either E12 or F11 without warning?

On the other hand, that capture is substantial, so if we announce this strategy, it will make sense for white-blue to play there every turn from now on. I will therefore attempt to distract white-blue this turn and the next by playnig A19 and A17, we can get about 5 points worth of stones there too.

Or I might attempt to capture the G12 stones again this turn. Who, except me, knows?


I think, I have to use a similar approach. Time to find some natural number N and some N-sided dice. Let’s roll.

Any thoughts? @Feijoa @yebellz
Do you think if it is still worth it to cut J9 (this round)?

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I’m not sure if that cut helps? I think the three blue-black stones above have liberties through connecting to both blue-white and pink-black stones.

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Looks pretty important to me to prevent another attack on the blue dragon. I’ll play there so @Maharani can’t. I won’t even think of harassing Pink-Black, there wouldn’t be any point to that at all.


Neither the black nor blue chain at J10 look in danger of capture to me… Am I missing something?

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I guess so, you have an eye at L9, M11, O11 R11 and potentially T10. Perhaps we can try removing liberties from the H6 blue group, maybe it can be captured?

Or anything else, maybe J9 isn’t necessary. If you can get E12 without it becoming suicide, that would be nice to capture those 5 stones, but on the other hand, if it survives because yebellz simultaneously plays E12 that would save the group.

As long as yebellz plays E12, we need to suicide the stone with adding green or pink. When yebellz plays something else, Maharani should play E12. We’ll need some luck.

Gotcha. A technical thing: leave A5 to me. It’s better for you to reduce liberties from other side (say E2) first


@Vsotvep and @Maharani have not submitted yet. Next reminder: 2022-04-07T09:00:00Z


Oops, submitted


@Maharani has not submitted yet. Next reminder: 2022-04-08T09:00:00Z

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Submitted. I’d say I’m sorry, but that might imply that I’m going to do better in the future…


Round 65

Team Blue Green Pink
Black @Maharani: E12 @Jon_Ko: E12 @Vsotvep: F11
White @yebellz: F11 @Feijoa: M18 @terrific: A5

Maharani and Jon_Ko collide at E12, Vsotvep and yebellz collide at F11. After placing the stones …

… E12, F11 and M19 are removed. New Position:


Check-in Time for Round 66: 2022-04-10T07:00:00Z

The battle for E12 and F11 continues :laughing:


@Maharani, I suggest not to play E12 or F11. If you collide with only yebellz, that would actually save the group instead of capture it.


These quadruple suicides seem dangerous. Who would win if we accidentally ended the game now? Probably Black.


Colliding at E12 would save it, colliding at F11 would be okay.