Simultaneous Fractional Go Game 1

I think that multiple URLs will produce the same board position, however, I would guess that given a board position (and static player names), the tool would always generate the same URL via the link button.

On a Linux command line, the sort and uniq tools would make it easy to find duplicates in a list of strings.


I think it parses the moves from top right to bottom left, so clicking the link button should give a unique link.


Every stone is composed of three letters, and in encoding the board it doesnā€™t check if the input is also given from top left to bottom right, so you can get multiple links to the same position. But clicking the link will always produce the same result.


So, assuming the urls were all generated using the ā€œlinkā€ button, and assuming the urls are listed one per line in a text file positions.txt, then on Unix, sort positions.txt | uniq -d should output all the repeated positions (and will have no output if there are no repeated positions).


I kind of doubt weā€™ll get repeating positions. :slight_smile:

Iā€™m prepared to repeatedly play N6.

Round 87

Team Blue Green Pink
Black @Maharani: R8 @Jon_Ko: H1 @Vsotvep: R1
White @yebellz: N5 @Feijoa: H1 @terrific: F4

Feijoa and Jon_Ko collide at H1. Placing all stones ā€¦

ā€¦ H1, S8 and the green chain connected to N6 get removed. New Position:


Check-in Time for Round 88: 2022-06-11T17:00:00Z


Weā€™re back to the same problem of connecting the Black chain through N6 / N7.

Instead of @Jon_Ko, I could use this turn to be the other move of those two stones that @Maharani doesnā€™t play, in case H1 is more important than anything I do with the pink group.

Currently the green group has 5 liberties, and the pink group 6, and they share two of them. Itā€™s still pretty much up for grabs.

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I will play N6, then.

I donā€™t think H1 is that important. It gives one liberty to green, but @Vsotvep you could also take away one liberty from pink, and that might work better than H1.

I still think I should play N6, @Maharani, because my N7 would immediately die even without white interference. For green N6 to die, white would still need to invest a stone.

Iā€™m counting 4 for green.

Okay, Iā€™ll play N7 :slight_smile:

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But the goal is for Green to die and it becoming solidly Blue | Black (| White) at some point.

The reason to play a Green stone is to prevent the intersection from becoming solidly Blue | White, since we canā€™t connect our Black stones like that anymore, which would be a major loss (probably game-deciding).

In general, I agree. But as long as thereā€™s a black stone, black is connected. The stone doesnā€™t have to be blue.

Sure, team white can kill the stone if itā€™s green, but whenever they use one stone to take our N6 off, weā€™ll use one stone to play it again.

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Exactly, but eventually Iā€™m hoping the stone will only have the colour Blue, so that we can free up the moves to spend them elsewhere. As long as itā€™s Black itā€™s connected, so we cannot be disconnected by force or chance. But, we also have to keep the connection up to date every time itā€™s removed.

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Yes, if I (or you) play N6. If I (or you) play N7, N7 will die right away without team white having to remove it and we have to keep the connection up to date anyway. So making white invest a stone seems better to me.

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I guess Iā€™m playing ā€¦ N6 then :wink:

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Round 89

Team Blue Green Pink
Black @Maharani: N7 @Jon_Ko: N6 @Vsotvep: Q5
White @yebellz: N7 @Feijoa: N7 @terrific: Q5

Maharani, yebellz and Feijoa collide at N7, Vsotvep and terrific collide at Q5! After placing all (combined) stones ā€¦

ā€¦ N5 is removed, freeing up liberties for the new green chain connected to N6. New Position:


Check-in Time for Round 90: 2022-06-13T19:00:00Z

I have started a .txt file where Iā€™ll gather the URLs for future reference, starting with this round.


By the way, I noticed last round that weā€™re off in the round numbering again. This one we just played was round 89 :wink:


ups, thank you for pointing it out.


And round 88 is called round 87 :face_with_monocle:

Yeah I decided to leave it as an easter egg :wink: