Simultaneous Fractional Go Game 1

Actually this might be okay for white. I’ll submit S5 for now


Okay, I submitted P4.

I think your best move is quite obvious, actually.

Understood, but I might change my mind.

Round 8

Team Blue Green Pink
Black @Maharani: G16 @Jon_Ko: S5 @Vsotvep: S6
White @yebellz: T4 @Feijoa: P4 @terrific: O4

After placing all stones …

… the white chains at F16 and R5 have no liberties. All stones included in these chains are removed, resulting in the following …

New Position:


Deadline for Round 9: 2021-11-25T21:00:00Z

I am fascinated by the colour distribution in the lower right :laughing:


The reason why I changed my mind:


… but it seems I saved black… sorry…


If there was a stone at T5, would black+green R5 be suicide? (Also, is suicide legal in this variant?)

I think this is the most fun Ive ever had playing go :slight_smile: (Keep in mind 99 % of my time with go is spent watching AGA and dwryin videos, and watching Kata play itself, lol)


That’s what I was thinking and it would have been good for black, the current position is okay for white I think.

No, captures of “old” groups have priority over captures of “new” groups, so R5 would be captured first, giving Black|Green a liberty

Are you sure?


Exactly, R5 would be new, so the four green+black are a green chain with a “recently placed stone”. They would be removed in step 2. Unless T5 would be green too, then T6 would be a liberty for green.

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Ah, wait, yes, I had S5 in my mind, and that it was about last move, never mind.

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Yes it is allowed. This can be very important because chains can include stones of both sides, so tactical suicide is a thing.

A more profound reason is, I do not know how to formulate a rule disallowing suicide in this variant :sweat_smile: Because of the simultaneous moves, before placement of all stones is revealed, it is often unsure if a move will result in one of the connected chains to be captured.


I’m thinking that @terrific and @yebellz can handle the green threat in the lower-right. So I’ll work on getting my four eyes by playing S17.


I don’t have the time to do the update right now, but I’ll do it shortly.


Sorry for the delay.

Round 9

Team Blue Green Pink
Black @Maharani: K15 @Jon_Ko: O3 @Vsotvep: S15
White @yebellz: T5 @Feijoa: P5 @terrific: N3

New Position:


Deadline for Round 10: 2021-11-28T09:00:00Z


In my role as asker of stupid questions, let me enquire:

If white+green plays at Q6 and black+green plays at R5, and no one else plays locally, which (if any) stones are removed from the board?


This seems like a question to understand the rules better, so I’ll answer: That would result in two chains having no liberties: The light-blue chain containing the stones Q4 and Q5, and the green chain containing the stones R4, R5, S4 and S5. Of these two, the light-blue chain contains no stones that were just placed, so it gets removed first, which frees up liberties of the green chain, which is thus not removed.


Let’s say that

a) White+green plays at Q6,
b) White+red plays at R7, and
c) Black+green and black+blue collide at R5.

What happens…?
