Spontaneous call for new Werewolf game

Ah, so:

lúkos (wolf) + ánthrōpos (man) => Ancient Greek lukánthrōpos => English lycanthrope … and then into New Latin lycanthropus.

Meanwhile we also have wer (man) + wulf (wolf) => Old English werwulf => English werewolf. Cool parallel.

Versipellis would probably be the pick though, as a non-Greek-speaking Roman.

Werewolf: versipellis / lycanthropus
Vampire: sanguivorus from English sanguivorous? Haematophāgus can also be made from English haematophagus. Maybe we can make a word like exātus (“he who comes out of the gloom”)?
Zombie: reptor from repto (move slowly)?


Current Signups

Note: this post is a wiki, so you can just edit to add your name to the list

  • Gia
  • yebellz
  • Vsotvep (GM)
  • KAOSkonfused
  • fiddlehead
  • bugcat
  • Haze_with_a_Z
  • Assai
  • You_Know_Me


@Chinitsu, @Brianvy are any of you interested in the next game?


No interest. I don’t have the time to participate.

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The latin wiki has Vampyrus. Larvae and lemures are ghost or spectres. For Zombie they use zombi, who’d’a thunk.


Perhaps we can keep the Latin discussion in the Language Lounge and use this topic to talk about the Werewolf game?


:stuck_out_tongue: Latin overflooooooooooow

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If someone who knows how to do it can split this off to its own Latin debate thread, I have a funny thing to post there - don’t want to derail this thread any further here.

So - back to the topic - can someone clarify exactly

  • which extra roles are being added
  • is there a better cheat-sheet than the above wikipedia page, etc?

From playing this live, I know that the rules can get a bit confusing as to who can do what when, and we’ve totally had people blunder stuff and inadvertently give stuff away on Day X rather than Day Y.

Will there be a proctor or referee of some sort that players can DM and make sure they’re within the bounds of their role?

Yes, here is what I proposed:

It’s not final yet, so if you have suggestion for improvement, we can consider them.

Also, I will be the one organising everything, like @yebellz did last game.


split this off to its own Latin debate thread

Language Learners' Library We hang out here :slight_smile:


I felt like it was hard enough with the few variables last time and no visual cues - the new rules seem to guarantee that the players will have no clue what’s going on by increasing the amount of chance and guesswork.


I agree. Let’s keep it simple and try to have fun, complexity probably isn’t welcoming to new players either.

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Alright, then what should be the rules instead?

I suggest waiting for people to express their interest to play first. Let’s not scare the fish. :wink:


I’m trying to think of a supermarket/online ordering version of the rules :smiley:

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Have you tried jumping in front of a grandma in the queue in the deli in a supermarket? Brutal.

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Are we starting about now then? Or at least we should have a poll on the setting and / or rules so we can start this evening?


Last call: Please confirm your participation in the next 30 minutes.

We are having a vampire theme this time.

@Vsotvep, I’m handing this over. Please give us the tentative rules so we can make final adjustments and start. But please keep the rules simple. :slight_smile:


Reportin’ in o/

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I’m in. @Eugene, @S_Alexander are you in?