Spontaneous call for new Werewolf game

I’m still in. Maybe we could give Ruby a couple more days?


Here’s a super large poll about the rules. I’ll use “werewolf” and “village” even though the setting will be different in our game. Feel free to suggest changes if I missed something very important.

Each poll is multiple choice. Feel free to take advantage of that, or don’t. Of course, you’re free to change your vote later when you change your mind.

I have not included any third factions, such as the lunatic or the lovers, to keep it simpler.

I suggest we close the discussion on 2020-03-11T17:00:00Z, giving Ruby some time and allowing extensive pedantry over game rules.

Major game mechanics

Announcement of roles on death?

  • Nothing will be announced
  • The alignment (villager / werewolf) will be announced
  • The specific role of the player will be announced

0 voters

Can players switch alignment?

  • Werewolves can choose one player each night to convert to their faction instead of killing them.
  • Werewolves can choose one player every other night to convert to their faction instead of killing them.
  • Werewolves can choose one player once during the game to convert to their faction instead of killing them.
  • Werewolves cannot convert players.

0 voters

How many werewolves?

  • 1 werewolf
  • 2 werewolves
  • 3 werewolves

0 voters

How many & which special roles (see polls below) will be added?

  • No special roles
  • Inspection type only
  • Protection type only
  • Assault type only
  • Reviving type only
  • Inspection & Protection type
  • Inspection & Assault type
  • Inspection & Reviving type
  • Protection & Assault type
  • Protection & Reviving type
  • Assault & Reviving type
  • Inspection & Protection & Assault type
  • Inspection & Protection & Reviving type
  • Inspection & Assault & Reviving type
  • Protection & Assault & Reviving type
  • Inspection & Protection & Assault & Reviving type

0 voters

Inspection type

Which role do we add?

  • Seer: each night chooses one player to inspect and gets informed about their alignment (werewolf or villager).
  • Detective: each night chooses one player to inspect and gets informed about their precise role.

0 voters

How is the seer decided?

  • Chosen randomly at the start of the game, fixed for the rest of the game.
  • Players vote in secret through a PM with the game master on each day phase. If the vote is a draw, the game master chooses the next seer at random between the players receiving most votes. When killed, there will be no new seer elected.
  • Only the villagers vote in secret through a PM with the game master on each day phase. If the vote is a draw, the game master chooses the next seer at random between the players receiving most votes. When killed, there will be no new seer elected.
  • Rotates through the villagers: each villager is in a queue to be the seer. The queue is decided randomly at the start of the game. Each night the next villager in the queue will become seer. When killed, there will be no new seer.
  • Rotates through the villagers upon death: each villager is in a queue to be the seer. The queue is decided randomly at the start of the game. When the seer is killed, the next in line will become seer.

0 voters

Protection type

Which role do we add?

  • Protector: each night chooses one player to protect. Any attempts to kill this player will fail.
  • Jailer: each night chooses one player to protect… by locking them up in Jail; this person will not be able to take any night actions (this could or could not include werewolves from being able to communicate during the night).
  • Doctor: each night chooses one player to protect. This player can not be converted by the werewolves (obviously only interesting if we have some kind of conversion mechanic as well).
  • Super Doctor: each night chooses one player to cure. This player will be converted back into a villager if they were a werewolf.

0 voters

Can the protector protect the same player twice in a row?

  • Yes
  • No, every night should be a different person

0 voters

Can the protector protect themself?

  • Yes
  • No

0 voters

Assault type

Which role do we add?

  • Triggerfinger: when killed, gets to choose one player to take with him to his grave.
  • Vigilante: has to option to kill another player at night. If they kill an innocent player, they themself will die of guilt as well.
  • Suicide bomber: when killed by the werewolves (one of) the attacker(s) will be killed as well.
  • Indiscriminate suicide bomber: when killed (one of) the attacker(s) will be killed as well, including when killed through a village vote (in this case the suicide bomber chooses one of the villagers who voted for them).

0 voters

Reviving type

Which role do we add?

  • Reviver: can revive a player, the players keeps their original role (probably best restricted to once per game).
  • Necromancer: can revive a player, the player will become a villager if he was a werewolf before.
  • Novice necromancer: can revive a player, but the player will not be able to speak, and is only able to vote. The revived player will be aligned with the villagers.

0 voters

How often can the reviver do his action?

  • Only once during the game
  • Every three nights
  • Every other night
  • Every night

0 voters


  • Werewolves
  • Mafia
  • Vampires
  • Zombies
  • The Rainforest (Amazon / Papua New Guinea)
  • World War trench line
  • Roman settlement
  • Dwarf fortress
  • Futuristic cyber-reality

0 voters


I support pedantry for pedantry’s sake, but if the poll results are clear for some options, let’s keep them.


Obviously the vampire will catch the village off guard. But on the second night the vampire is still operating alone, since he or she didn’t have the option to convert on that first night. Then if the vampire targets the triggerfinger on night two, the game ends abruptly on that night. If I’m understanding this correctly.

Maybe the triggerfinger should require at least one extra day to develop some weaponry that he or she could use no sooner than the third night. (Maybe some special bullets that deliver a lethal dose of garlic on impact!)

Maybe I’m confusing the triggerfinger with the suicide bomber?

Right, how do we know there is a vampire? The first victim dies and then the rest are converted?

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I guess we would go by the telltale puncture marks, or maybe call an expert. :slight_smile:

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Howdy everybody. After some consideration I’ve decided to politely bow out of this game. I’ve removed myself from the wiki list here: Spontaneous call for new Warewolf game

At this point, all my available brain-juice is being used up working on my next article in the 19x19 series, and I don’t have the time to read through all these materials and wrap my head around the rules.

Having to play from work would also limit my time and attention span, so yeah - maybe next time.


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It’s alright if you don’t feel like discussing the rules, but I’ll assure you they will be quite short and clear once we start the game.

It would be more fun with more players… Even if they are confused players…


Yeah, sorry - this just caught me at a bad time. I’m feeling overwhelmed by what’s on my plate right now, and adding another element just kinda put me over

Another time!

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Yeah, my point is, there’s nothing being added to your plate if you just want to play the game, you could just ignore this thread until the game starts :stuck_out_tongue:

But sure, sad to see you go, perhaps another time :slight_smile:


30 mins is a bit short notice for a forum where people are in all sorts of different time zones.

I’m in. Even if I am several hours late.


I’ll pass this time.

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It was open since Friday, this was kind of a last call.

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Yes, the triggerfinger will have to guess who killed him, the suicide bomber does not.

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With only six confirmed players as of now, I think we should delay the start of the game until we find more, but we can still discuss the rules in the meantime.

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There’s not a lot of discussion happening either…

I can’t discuss because the rules of this game seem way above my head, like before I even start I should do a week’s training course. I just voted on setting and let the grownups take care of the crunch.


no clue if you still want people but I’m up for it


Yeah, we’re definitely looking for more players. I put your name on the list above:

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Just put out another message when you guys decide to start so I will know.