Statistics from a 27M game sample

In the other thread I shared various move frequency diagrams from the 100k-sample, here is one using all 10 837 323 non-handicap 19x19 games in the dataset:


Click on the image for an interactive diagram where you can move the slider yourself to see the frequency throughout moves 1-300 animated, it’s quite pretty to look at!

Edit: The site where I hosted the diagram updated and now the data is super slow to load for some reason, so the page will be blank for a minute before the diagram appears.

I also searched for some games with special properties, such as ones with many consecuctive moves on the first line. I was hoping to find stuff like these, legitimate games that just happen to show a nice pattern:

16 consecutive moves on the first line

15 consecutive moves on the second line

But of course, these soon get beaten by garbage games like these:

24 consecutive moves on the first line

36 consecutive moves on the second line

(I stopped searching after I found these, likely there is even bigger garbage later in the collection, but I don’t find that very interesting)

If anyone has suggestions for other stats/special games that would be interesting and not too hard to check, let me know! My old computer takes about one hour to chew through the entire 82 GB json file, kind of quicker than I was expecting.