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Once again you say something that I cannot agree enough with. Go is truly special and unique. I am so happy that I have found it. My only lament concerning Go is that I did not find it sooner. I even wrote something about quitting Go recently. It doesn’t reflect my own experience, but I wrote this imagining what it would feel like if I did. If I quit and others didn’t understand why I was sad. Not sure if you’ve seen it before.

One of the things that I enjoy doing is searching for Go inspired art. I really enjoy it and love seeing what people come up with. I found a series of four pictures online and turned them into a banner for my Go group. I’ll post it here for easy reference. Click on the image to make it bigger, because I had to make it smaller to fit. I search for new images regularly :heart_eyes:.

What about D&D is so special to you? I’m a pretty big fan of TTRPG’s myself. I’ve played D&D and a lot of other games. I’m curious what about the D&D experience resonates with you so dearly. Because TTRPG’s are my number one favorite activity in the world. Well, that isn’t true. Writing creative fiction is number one. Then TTRPG’s, which is another sandbox to explore creative fiction, and then Go :blush:.


I feel the same way. I haven’t had much time for Go lately. I run a Tournament group with weekly tournament, but haven’t participated in one in months. Prior to quitting that I was involved in 20+ Correspondence games at any given time. And while I’ve moved away from playing Go significantly (real life time issues), I continue to fight to find the time to keep up with the six people I am running teaching games with. I truly enjoy it and it makes me feel good to know that I am helping others find and experience the same joy that I am. Especially considering how difficult learning Go was for me, without anyone to help me along the way or answer questions. I was a 25K for waaaaaay too long :shushing_face:.

So many different things to respond to in that last post. Cracks knuckles.

I just read that piece you wrote, I think I may have come across it before now, but my memory being what it is (Utterly useless), I read it again to refresh me. I feel the same way if I’m honest. It’s hard to put into words just how much a game can mean to a person, especially a game like go.

Go is by far the most expressive game I play. It’s not only a reflection of what you know, but it’s also a reflection of the way you think, and feel in many cases I think. And there is a level of intimacy when playing the game. And no matter how terrible my memory may well be when I return to a game after months or even years, it never takes too long for me to remember that game.

Another reason to love Go… and linking back to memory… is that when you have a finished game, you have an image, a picture of black and white that is unique, different and brilliant, no matter if it is a won or lost game, sort of like a polaroid picture.

Why do I like DnD so much? several reasons…

I like to read Fantasy books (Currently reading the Eragon books again), DnD gives you the chance to either be a creator or a player in the game. Either way, you are consuming a story that is completely different than any other story ever played. What’s brilliant about it is that even in a single group of five people, there are five different stories unraveling, the player’s plot, and the DM plot. But… more than that, there is the perception of each of these stories, so its something closer to 25 stories unraveling all at once.

Then there is the pure mentality of it as well, the watching the fight, or story or conversations unravel in your head as it’s happening, the canvas of this story is your mind itself.

And then there is the while being your character. The escapism, the utter joy of being a different, possibly magical person, living out your dreams in a way that is more real than the pencil and paper makes it. The challenges you face in a game of DnD change you as a person. And it most certainly helps you get to know yourself better as a person. Especially when there are complex ethical situations that you are thrown in to.

But I also love DnD as a writer myself. I’m not a particularly clever or good writer, but a writer none the less, and there is a craving in me to both create and consume good stories avariciously. DnD is sort of like being a writer and a reader of a story at the same time, and that experience alone is powerful I think. I just wish I could DM for my group more often, because while I’m totally new t being a DM, its a most wonderful experience.

I like Go related art too, but seldom I find anything good. I do take the occasional photo of a pro game I have put on to one of my boards, but I don’t do that nearly as often as I should, because really there should be more art and photos out there for go related anything to be perfectly honest.

Also, I was a noob player for faaaar too long as well. I more or less taught myself, and found my way through to where I am now. The two things I wish i could do retroactively is: 1) start playing go from a far younger age. 2) introduce the game to my friends at a far younger age too.

Another thing I like about teaching is that because I never had a teacher of my own, I know the bits I personally struggled getting my head around, and have become a minor expert in those areas just for the purpose of passing that on. I have taught a couple of friends to play, one of them being the intelligent and wonderful person she is, skipped from like 25 kyu up to around 14kyu, in a matter of weeks as opposed to the years I put in to get to that point. Having a person show you the ropes of go, and show you the basics and explain them to you is an invaluable thing I think. I could have saved litterally years of frustration had I had a teacher, so helping and knowing that I am helping is an incredibly rewarding experience.

I think I covered all of the points you made?!!?! perhaps? :face_with_monocle:

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You have done a wonderful job covering everything. I sincerely appreciate your time and your feedback. We have a great deal in common so far and I have truly enjoyed our correspondence today.

TTRPG’s are near and dear to my heart. I stumbled across them a little over 10 years ago. My relationship with them was rather different than most. I studied them, learned about them, followed the industry news, learned about the authors, got into homebrewing systems, but rarely ever played. I have worked on published material and spent time discussing game designer shop talk, over long periods of time via emails, with some truly successful people in the industry.

I came really close to being in the business and have designed a fair amount of material. These days I do not use systems anymore. I felt they constricted my imagination and limited what kinds of stories I could tell. I was always looking for a system or Toolbox system (like GURPS) to be able to tell a particular type of story. Eventually it dawned on me that I didn’t need a system to tell a collaborative story with other people. I just needed a framework.

Once I left the traditional path of TTRPG’s I began to design game mechanics and various tools that would allow me to generate stories in an organic way with my players. I can literally sit down and run a session with a group of people who have never played a TTRPG, much less been a part of a collaborative storytelling session, and they take right off, like they’ve been doing it their entire life. I do this with people of all ages and the stories, settings, style of play, etc… can all be generated on the fly, based on the player’s desires.

Players have a pen and paper available for tracking details that they think are important and their inventory. It is hard to explain in it’s entirety. It is far easier to just show someone. No game experience is ever even close to being similar. It is the most rewarding thing that I do in my life and the one activity I look forward to more than any other on this planet.

I agree that TTRPG’s help you improve as a person in a variety of ways. Science backs this and my personal experience verifies this as well. I love it with my whole heart and wish more people could experience the joy that I do :heart: :hugs: :sunny: :rainbow:

Sorry for the late reply my friend.

I think it’s super interesting that you basically fell in love with TTRPG, in a totally different way than I did.

I fell in love with them because I was introduced to them by a friend, and in the last few years I’ve really gotten in to it. Though, for a long time I had wished to be a GM/DM, but for the life of me could not wrap my head around the mechanics. I had to have help when making my characters in the past, I don’t know what it was, but it just would not stick in my head.

It wasn’t untill I started watching Critical Roll on YouTube, did the rules and the mechanics of the game started to click in my head.

I did end up also researching and learning more on YouTube, which was invaluable. And no I do also DM.

I find it interesting that you were almost in the business and that you end up making your own game mechanics. That is very interesting. I’m trying (very slowly), to make a Star wars TTRPG, based on the d20 system, and the fifth edition of DnD, because it works so well. I’ve got most of that stuff semi worked out in my head because of the whole 5e DnD thing.

It’s amazing what can happen mind you, when you play DnD with a group. When you go through the difficult situations, face loss, reward, and death in a roleplay…it can be something that feels very real to those involved. And no-one comes out of these exchanges unchanged in some small way in the very least.

And because you inevitably end up going through all of that together, it helps to form a bond that is akin to brotherhood. And that in and of itself is a huge selling point for me. Not because I’m some loner with no friends, but because any change to make a relationship with a friend stronger, can only be a good thing.

It is also nice to find a kindred spirit online, in a go forum, talking about table top roleplay games. It’s not every day we end up talking to wildly interesting people. I can honestly say I’m rather happy to have stumbled across you on here.

We’ve pretty much hijacked this thread with TTRPG talk. So let’s move our discussion over to a new thread: Tabletop RPG Discussion Thread. I’ll copy and paste the current discussion over there so anybody joining will know the dialogue thus far =D.

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I’ve moved the relevant topics over but I can’t change their order, sorry.