Sudden rating jump

It seems now is my turn to be confused by the rating system.

I’ve just noticed that my rank suddenly went up to 8k (ELO rating 1350). When creating the account, I’ve set my rank at 13k, and it become 12k after 5 provisional games. Last time I checked I’ve been halfway between 11k and 10k and all I did since then was winning a couple of 9x9 games against ~20k opponnents. What’s more, all my ratings are 8k now, even blitz which I’ve never played at all. What happened there? :confused:

While it’s nice to become SDK at last (something like 5 years ago I was 11k on the old OGS and 10k on DGS, and I haven’t played since then until very recently), achieving that but doing virtually nothing feels somewhat underwhelming. :smile:

Hi there temifar… you were reported to us as having a potentially inaccurate rank so we corrected you upwards based on our own observations.


Hi matburt, thanks for the explaination. When creating the account I wasn’t aware of that rating correction you’ve done last year, so yes, I did underrate myself a bit. Thanks for correcting that, although a PM next time you are doing stuff like that would be appreciated.