Sugggestion for less time control options

we could set up a system where there are only a few options
canadian byo-yomi
and hourglass.

but with canadian byo-yomi, you can get byo-yomi by setting overtime to be over 1 stone, absolute by setting 0 sec periods, and simple by setting 0 main time.

Or alternatively an “advanced options” button so that if we wanna do something out of the ordinary it’s still there. (and also so people like me can do wacky stuff like have a main time followed by a fischer time period)

but yeah automatic color is a bit weird to me outside of handi games, especially since it appears that w might have the advantage, so giving it to the stronger player defeats the point of the tradition, and honestly we kinda expect nigiri anyway.

But really my biggest complaint is that there’s a weird gap between 4 hrs live and 1 day corr for byo-yomi. Some of us might wanna do a meijin-style 8hr game for the hell of it (with a pause for sealed move given via Malkovich), and I’m not entirely sure why it’s not a fillable with slots of hours/minutes/seconds to begin with (although I can understand if it’s hard to work out bugs with that)

But I suppose that last thing will only be considered after rengo is finally implemented :stuck_out_tongue: