Surround — iOS client for OGS

yes, it works now!!! thanks!


Just reporting a weird bug: I created a custom blitz challenge (1+5x10) after a long time waiting I went to the website to see if it was there. To my surprise it was on the correspondence list. No wonder no one accepted it.

The bug doesn’t seem to exist on the web app, I could create the same challenge there and it worked as expected.


I still have my monthly subscription live, but as of recently app no longer picks up new correspondence moves unless I open the app in IOS.

Anyone else seing an issue?

I don’t think anything changed my side. Downloading latest 10th Apr didn’t help. One of my games displayed state from many moves ago. I deleted and reinstalled and now that game doesn’t display at all (may re-appear with next move, who knows).

But still no auto-refresh/notification that someone has moved.

I’ve moved this to this thread as I guess it belongs to @HongAnhKhoa 's app

Probably something to do with the new clock system if I had to guess.



Can you try logging out of your OGS account in the app then log in back again and see if it fixes the issue?

The way the app is currenlty implemented, deleting and reinstalling without logging out will leave some stale data on the server, which I think might be able to be fixed by logging out then log in again.

I had similar problems these days. Sometimes the app sends my move but it doesn’t registers it locally so you try to send it again and obviously it does not work.

At least to me restarting the app seems to make it work again.

That didn’t help. I could log out, delete app, reinstall, log back in. Will try that later.

Also tried sequence: logging out, deleting app, reinstalling, logging back in

One live game no longer displays. The other two I don’t get notified.

Possibly i need my Surround server profile wiped by some other means? But if there is also a callback issue then not sure how to fix that…

Hi! Today I had a blitz game that got stuck on “waiting for opponent” but the opponent had long timeouted … is it related with the recent clock optimisations ?

Hi everyone,

I have just released version 1.3.4 to fix a bug that make some games disappear, this bug also makes the clock keep counting when games are finished.

@Sallmard I also tried to put in a fix for the auto-refresh/notification as well but not sure if it works yet, could you check it out again? (I am still investigating and have not found the root cause so this is just a blind fix for now)


Hey thank you for this awesome app, love it a lot and use it daily


Hi, i just install the last update and it fix the auto refresh bug that appeared a few days ago. Thanks for your great work and useful app !


I’m playing on the app and I noticed that during live games when I enter full screen mode there’s no button to go back to normal mode

I thought this didn’t happened the first time I played but now it keeps happening every time


A problem I have from time to time nowadays is that for some reason the client does not register a move it just sent. So after clicking on submit it comes back to the previous position even though the move was sent to the server. Then obviously you cannot send another move or the same move again because it’s rejected by the server. The only solution seems to be restarting the app.

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Another useful update could be the one function that’s on OGS yet; the one that let you save the custom match preferences

So that you don’t have to set every setting every time!


@HongAnhKhoa Surround has started crashing almost immediately upon launch for me. The error is Surround/Variation.swift:53: Fatal error: 'try!' expression unexpectedly raised an error: Surround.MoveError.pointAlreadyOccupied. I can try to get more logs if you want.

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Hi everyone, sorry for the late replies.

I guess this is caused when the app fails to load a variation sent in chat. Do you have a game that has a complicated variation in chat? I will see if I can implement a workaround so you can use the app in the meantime.

Do you still see this issue recently? It sounds like either a network error that was handled incorrectly by the app, or an authentication issue that could be resolved by signing out then sign in again.

Can you share the model of your phone, or a screenshot of the full screen mode? I fixed this bug once but apparently I still missed some screen sizes.

It happened a few times, now it’s been a while since I noticed it (Anyhoo: iPhone 13)

The bigger thing I think is the one I wrote before: the possibility to implement a way to save preferred match settings in order to not having to enter them every time I want to start a game!

Many thanks for the work and the availability of receiving suggestions; you made a great work and you still do!

Best regards


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Yes, and as soon as that game finished the crash stopped happening. Would you like me to send a link to the game? Thanks for your time.

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Thank you, that would be great. I just released version 1.3.5 with a work around for that crash, but I will need to investigate the game to find out the root cause of it.

Yeah, that is one of the most requested features. Hopefully I will have time to work on it soon.

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