I intend this to be a topic to post puzzles that are more in the tesuji category than in the tsumego category, the difference being that tesuji are more broad puzzles focusing on connecting/cutting than puzzles specifically about making/breaking eyes.
These are 4 puzzles, roughly in the 4 quadrants of the board (ordered top left, top right, bottom left and bottom right). It’s black’s turn in all of them.
I consider the puzzle in the top right to be a tsumego puzzle, but the other three are tesuji puzzles.
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May I add another dimension to these puzzles?
Since they are all on one board, they could also represent a board situation some where in a game.
In what move order should this meta puzzle be solved?
BTW: If you search for “tesuji” in the puzzles section, you will find more than 8 pages of tesuji puzzle collections.
I imagine a solution of a puzzle to be rolled back before solving another puzzel on the same board, so the order shouldn’t matter. But I would solve them in the order top-left, top-right, bottom-left, bottom-right.
Hint 1: multi-purpose move
Hint 2: double threat
Hint 3: double peep
Indeed it doesn’t matter, but for clarity I added a white stone at D1 and I drew a blue line to mark the boundary:
Hum, there are bit more kind of tesuji even if we exclude life and death
tesuji for optimizing endgame
tesuji for squeezing
tesuji to push the opponent to make a decision
I guess I forget more kinds
Shuko in its dictionnary of tesuji goes to the extrem to qualify tesuji as almost all the good moves played in a game but that’s bit over our common interpretation of the word.