The 9x9 Amateur-Hour Strategy Thread

I’m by no means an authority on the 9x9 board, or any board for that matter. But I won’t wait around for permission to delve into a flighty dissection of the 9x9 board, which, on closer inspection, begins to unravel an inspiring level of complexity distinct from that of the larger boards. I should know; I’m giving a lecture on 9x9 for Learn Go Week. And like many overly anxious teachers, I’ve lately felt the motivation to impart my own brand of “hype” on some of the material I hope to discuss on this transcendental lecture. This forum post is meant as my own opinionated primer—a navigational brochure, per se—on the 9x9 board.

First things first: 9x9 is about fighting, and reading is key. (If 19x19 is a battlefield, 9x9 is a knife fight in a phone booth.) Sometimes the game is like one big go problem. A unique feature of 9x9 is that after a few moves it becomes possible to read out lines of play to the very end. Quite often I realize that the “natural” line leaves me behind by half a point, and then decide to change my plan. Generally speaking, a calm game to the very end means one player didn’t realize they were losing and failed to complicate the game in looking for a chance to catch up.

The opening is not complicated. Pros play anywhere on the third line or above, and the opening is usually over by move 5.

If you’ve got a taste for tengen, check out senseis’ take on tengen continuations. A box of rocks, if you ask me.



For those who haven’t seen professional 9x9 play, I’ve commented a game played last year between two of Japan’s living masters. Happy viewing, friendly people of OGS!

review-31900.sgf (11.6 KB)


A perfect analogy. +1



Perhaps you have heard the proverb Five Groups Might Live But the Sixth Will Die. In 9x9, the proverb is Two Groups Might Live But the Third Will Die. I do not know of any dan-level game where white lived with three groups. Therefore, white may employ one of two strategic choices: (1) live with two groups or (2) make one group as big as black’s group (and komi is your friend). White may switch between these objectives based on the state of the board.

Note: two living groups is not always enough for the win. (If your territory is only two sets of two eyes, you’re not doing very well, obviously.) But the general rule is good enough because in practice it’s hard for black to reduce the territory of both groups at once.


White’s strategy comes first because black’s strategy is mostly a reaction against the other. Black’s strategy is about balance. On one hand, black strives to stop white from living with the second group. On the other hand, black has to watch that the former group doesn’t wrap around black’s group or grow in size to rival it. Black should win if both objectives are met—white has one living group that is smaller than black’s group.



Few things in life are as fun as statistics. And luckily I’ve got some right here for the 9x9 board. Huzzah!

Introducing: MARK5000’S 9x9 OPENING EXPLORER

In celebration of this release, I’ve put together a brief interview.

mark5000: Tell us a little bit about the Opening Explorer.

mark5000: Well, it’s built on the new puzzles feature and contains a modest library of pro games (266 to be exact) with detailed statistics of each move, such as players and their ranks, winning percentages, dates, even bot evaluation. It’s an ongoing project, but I hope to finish in the next couple of weeks as I find the time.

mark5000: Where did you get all these professional 9x9 games?

mark5000: A few places. GoBase was a very good start, though sadly lacking in metadata. I also got several games from World Baduk and an archive of RICOH Pair Go Cup games.

mark5000: What went into mark5000’s 9x9 Opening Explorer?

mark5000: My heart. All of it. My guts, my intestines, my diaphragm. I pulled a few muscles. I had a few breakdowns. If you saw what I did to make this database you would have called 9-1-1.


Super old topic, but I want to share a second opening explorer I made using only drawn games from >2800 ELO bots on the Computer Go Server. I figure it might interest someone other than myself.

The games are drawn because komi on CGOS is 7.0 under area scoring rules, which the programmers there consider balanced for computers playing 9x9. I figure these games are probably as close to perfect play as exists right now for 9x9.


Nice self necro :wink:

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Great topic though, thank you! :slight_smile:

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Neat. I made something similar years ago… my master 9x9 compilation. Sadly lost it to a fried HDD. Ever since studying Go Seigen’s 9x9 games on boosted my KGS2 rank by 4 stones or something, I’ve been hooked.

Slightly OT: I still remember that one 9x9 I just had to win (after a weak move in the opening, mind you). My study sgf reached upward of 80 kb…

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Hello Mark,

I do appreciate this new opening tree… I only play 9x9 and my favourite part is openings so I will enjoy this a lot.
I wonder, however, if it could be slightly biased towards black when playing with a 5.5 komi. In fact, all these games would have been lost by white with a smaller komi…

I have heard before about the comparison: “9x9 is a knife fight in a phone booth” but I do not totally agree with it. Of course, tactics is paramount in 9x9 but it is not something chaotical… I would compare rather with a 100 meter hurdles race.
It is very short. Starting (opening) is essential, it is difficult to recover when you are behind. A single mistake and you are out. Very technical (tactics). Short end part. Strategics has a role… (for a computer is all about reading but for humans It is impossible to accurately read to the end. Very often you must choose between moves from strategical (intuition) considerations only). I would not say 9x9 is easier than 19x19. It is obviously simpler, but It is much “easier” for a dan player to loose against a kyu player in the small board. (and It is supposed dan players excel at tactics…).

It is a pity there is so little bibliography (books, whatever, on 9x9 go). That is the reason it is so undervalued against its big brother. Thanks again, Mark, for you divulgative work.

Anyway, I am feeling a bit sad these days… bots including neural networks are improving more and more and I do not know what future holds for go…



Great analysis, Mark!

I notice Murakawa and Iyama playing with 6.5 komi whereas we on OGS are using 5.5. Have we ever actually reviewed White’s winning percentage in 9x9 here?

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The “test” is much more difficult than just comparing b/w winrate. You would have to factor out rank disparity (by default, the ostensibly stronger player plays white) and anomalies (stronger player playing black). I’m quite convinced that 7 komi with Chinese rules / 7.5 komi to break ties is the proper setting. This equals 6.5 komi under Japanese rules (unless there are 2 seki on the board). That said, I like to play white on 9x9. :slight_smile:


I’m new to 9x9. How can the Komi be 5.5 or 6.5 on an 81 stone board when it’s 6.5 on a 361 stone board?

In the 19x19, the Komi is 1/55th of the total board.

In the 9x9, the Komi is 1/13th of the total board. :scream_cat:

To put it in perspective, that’s equal to a 27 stone Komi for a 19x19 game.

Shouldn’t the Komi on a 9x9 board be 1/55th of 81, or 1.5 stones?

(sorry, I’m sure this has been discussed ad infinitum here in the past, but then again, what subject hasn’t…lol) Thx

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Well, consider that the first move in 19x19 claims 1/361 of the board while in 9x9 it claims 1/81. Komi exists to offset the first move advantage, which is much larger in 9x9 than in 19x19.


What would be the max (most likely) amount of groups to live on 13x13?

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The thing is there are even much fewer study on 13x13 as on 9x9. Maybe phone size (and servers like Goquest oriented to 13x13) could make this size more popular and then more studied. But until then…
To answer your question it should be between 3 and 6 excluded so 4 or 5.
13x13 is much more near 9x9 as 19x19 so tend to think 4 as the upper limit of groups alive


Definitely does not work that way consider arbitrary board sizes.

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Let’s revive this topic and hopefully bring some clarity to Black’s first-move advantage and how it affects opening strategy in 9x9 Go.

As everyone knows, the 9x9 board is an inherently asymmetrical battlefield. White receives komi of around 6–7 points for having the disadvantage of playing second. This imbalance means Black must leverage the first-move advantage to extract enough value to overcome White’s komi.

Equality is a trap for Black. Passively allowing an equal territorial split or an outright mirror of Black’s moves means squandering the first-move advantage. Black must play assertively in the opening to create an imbalanced position tilted in Black’s favor.


Consider this example game. Black plays solid opening moves but falls into a mirroring situation with White until the endgame. Even though White passively answers Black’s endgame sequences at moves 15 and 19, granting Black a modest 4-point lead, this proves inadequate once komi is added—White wins by 2 points.

Where did Black go wrong? Black’s last best chance to disrupt equality came at move 9. Rather than passively defend, Black could have more ambitiously threatened mutual damage by playing at 10. The stretch at move 11 was also too timid—a braver hane could have made a bigger territorial difference to offset the komi.


Here’s another example of incorrect Black play. Black encloses at 3 and balances that passive enclosure with a more assertive attach-and-draw-back maneuver at 5–7. White’s attachment at 8 brings Black’s hane at 9, which quickly translates to a perfectly symmetrical position. Despite having the first-move privilege, Black is no better off than White.


Here is more correct play for the position. Black should have attached to White 2 and shifted Black’s potential territory from the third and fourth lines from the right edge of the board all the way up to the fifth line. Black moves 5–11 double down on this territorial claim and seem to confine White to a much less equal space in the upper left of the board. Given this bleak reality, White will almost certainly invade Black’s position, likely on the very next move. But Black is happy to have forced White’s hand like this. It is far better (and more fun, if you ask me) to create a win condition and play for victory than to lose quietly by just a few points.

The strategic path is clear: Black must avoid the siren song of balanced, symmetrical positions. Aggressive mettle and an appetite for imbalance are vital. For White, on the other hand, it is enough to simply develop an equal presence and grant Black the illusion of doing well.


Four 9x9 Game Archetypes

9x9 games can take different strategic directions depending on how many viable groups each player tries to maintain on the board. Four main archetypes tend to arise, listed below in approximate order from most prevalent to least prevalent.


One Black; One White. This is the simplest and the most common archetype. It occurs when Black stakes out a position just off center, while White aims to reduce that single area of control. Invasions can happen but are treated more lightly and used mainly as aji for reducing the opponent’s area rather than serious efforts to live.

Since each side focuses on just one area, the game becomes an exercise in maximizing territory through skillful play. Counting is paramount, as a player who falls behind in potential territory should consider more aggressive tactics to undermine the leader’s territory or create a second living group.


One Black; Two White. This is the second most common archetype. Here, Black takes an assertive posture in the center, rapidly staking out an aggressively-sized potential territory. White responds by invading this expansive area, intending to make two separate living groups that can work in concert against Black’s territory.

This archetype requires Black to apply pressure from multiple directions to keep the White groups small and separated. Meanwhile, White must build out the two groups without overextending one at the expense of the other getting choked out.


Two Black; One White. Less common but extremely tactical, this archetype sees Black establishing two separate territorial claims early, often by pincering or double approaching White’s center stone(s). Black’s role involves threatening White’s connectivity and staking territorial claims while White is preoccupied keeping the black groups separated. White’s role is to contain these two groups, prevent them from linking up, and avoid having to defend in gote too often so White can accumulate enough territory.


Two Black; Two White. The rarest and most complex archetype arises from complicated fighting where both players manage to keep two separate viable groups alive after repeated cuts and captures. The game turns into a bitter contest to grow each group big enough to prevail.

This archetype benefits players adept at life and death and maximizing every last point. It’s mentally grueling—basically one big tsumego—but thrilling when both sides read deeply and find creative continuations.

Limit yourself to two groups. One overarching principle holds true across all four of these archetypes—limit yourself to two viable groups maximum. Because of the small board size, trying to maintain three or more groups in 9x9 Go is extremely challenging.

The proverb “Two groups may live but the third will die” captures this idea succinctly. While not an absolute rule, as exceptions can occur especially at weaker levels of play, this proverb guides 9x9 strategy. With limited space available, trying to develop a third group almost always spells disaster. Your groups become thinly stretched, discontinuous, and ripe for outright capture.

There are essentially no instances of high-level play in which one player formed living groups in three distinct regions on the board. (I have never done so in roughly 2000 games.) While there are rare cases of a player technically having three living groups by the end, these victories usually involve multiple mistakes by both players and at least one significant misread by the player attacking the third group.

Instead, focus your efforts on making one or two strong, efficient groups with assured life, and maximize their territorial potential. Even in the two-group archetypes, it’s often good to merge those groups into one stronger unified whole. An isolated second group (let alone a third) can become an unstable liability that gift-wraps points for the opponent to pick up through attacking.

So while not a strict rule, limiting yourself to at most two strong groups provides a guiding strategy for almost all 9x9 games. Deviating from this principle by attempting a third group paves a very steep uphill road to victory.


Funnily enough mirrored positions like in the second example made me really think about the effect of tengen on a rotationally symmetric board, to the point where I was spectating a 9x9 tournament at USGC 2019 and tossed out the observation that “mirror go is a test of how big one can make tengen”

I’d love to delve more into this, especially as I’m looking into 9x9 openings and how they sorta play out into the rest of the game, and how these normally trivial aspects of the game really come into play on the 9x9 board

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