too slow
O8… why not P8 ?
P8 might lose sente?
Any more (or less) suggestion?
This is everyone’s game please feel free to propose!
Anyway if nothing new coming, I’ll put the poll in half day.
Thanks for your participation.
If memory serves, S9 and Q9 have both been suggested… not sure which is better since both can technically be cut…
I suppose that most people who voted for white P7 had Q9 follow-up in mind:
S9 gets cut white can still run out, Q9 gets cut is problematic…
I got a feeling if white cover from the top at Q9, black’s best respond isn’t going to be cut at Q8, but just extends at R8.
I looked earlier but didn’t see discussion of our weakness to a cut and ladder at Q13, what are people’s thoughts on that? Maybe it’s just not worth enough to defend yet?
Doesn’t seems to me that there are that many points locally speaking but a backup for deeper reduction or enlargement of the moyo(s)
This actually brings up a good question - can white tenuki locally?
If white tenuki, can black kill white?
I’ve seen different variations where Black attacks White’s lower right over the course of the game - they’ve all been complex, and to the best of my recollection, there was no way that White could just live unconditionally.
The risk of sacrificing the lower right seems like an awfully big gamble to me…
I think black can force a ko, and black still has a ko factory in the upper side.
I missed the ko .
Can white afford to spend a move and live? Or does white need to take a risk?
From what I can tell, if white tenuki, black can force a ko regardless locally (when blacks gets to play Q8 first). My best guess is if white wants to avoid a ko, white has to respond locally.
However, another critical question is -
“Does black want to start a ko fight here? Or is it already enough if black simply let white live and get a solid outside influence toward the center?”
I’d guess black would have to go for the ko, if white played J10 for example. Allowing black to do so is probably indeed not good for white, but I think that white can’t just defend what it has. White at least needs to take some more space in the center.