Not sure O10 will be sente though.
Post number = year number. Yay!
But next ones are going to be far too early
Is 3 more forcing without the 1, 2 exchange?
forcing what? why willingly giving up L12 by playing L10 first?
Forcing some response so white doesn’t have time to play H8. But it’s just a thought.
Well, when black goes to fix the cut, white can turn, and effectively fix the connection to the UR.
If black keep pushing, it’s still helping white to fix the weakness, and the cuts of H6 and H8 are still there.
I have been thinking about a way to utilize the relative weak connection of white to the UR, and the weakness at R14.
But since white has Q9 now, even if black still cuts off white’s LR connection, white can always go back to play S9 and still live locally.
That doesn’t look too bad for black, but by my SDK counting white is slightly ahead like this.
This is definitely one way to settle, and then I think the rest is up to yose. If you compare it to my earlier estimation (about even), white not only live on the LR, but push a lot further to the center. Even though black pushes back the upper side boundary a bit further, but leaves more weakness for white to exploit. It will not be a fun yose.
Well 10 days…
Anymore contributions?
Let’s plan a poll then tomorrow.
Do we have two candidates to vote on besides my nose tesuji (starting with F12) ?
If black is still eyeing K17, now is probably the right time. But up to now nobody has shown that black has more than ko threats there.
Q11 is interesting if it’s sente. I don’t think it is, but that is not based on reading.
Although the nose tesuji is totally my idea, but through my various readings that mostly ended up reinforce white’s upper side, I actually agree that K17 is a way to create pressure within the top side, so the push from the outside can be more threatening and effective.
Due to just finished my final, with the approaching Chinese New Year, I seriously didn’t have the time and investigated more about these variations. So my opinion above is also not based on reading
Then I wonder if M17 would be better. There is more aji on the right, why give white the chance to play M17?
f12 may trigger reduce of territory of white above - and then k17 invasion would be too late to do.
I think the choice between M17 and K17 depends on which weakness we aim for.
If we are aiming at the Q17 R14 or the possible disconnection of the UR group, then M17 is a logical choice. But if we are aiming at like my nose tesuji or pressure from the center and possible ko or semeai to collapse the whole UL, then K17 is a logical choice.
But both have risks that they might not have worked, since there is always a chance white just outright kills the invading stones. And they would most likely rely on black stones from the outside to make them work.
Doesn’t black have to aim for both weaknesses? F12, J12, J11 first and then the weakness on the right comes into play.