The all-in-one democratic game

These are the suggestions.
Anything to add or comment?
Black to play, everyone welcome!



I also suggested tengen. Well, I did say “somewhere around” tengen, so let’s have the point below it as well, and the point below that.

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Half suggestion for me, sorry.
But anyway
which coordonates?K10 K9 K8?

We can’t poll all of them?

We can. I was asking if these were the coordonates you suggest. I use to wait like half day at least from the last suggestion.

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I’d like to nominate L10 as a move close to tengen

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So many suggestions… But till now i read only a presentation by @claire_yang of her wedge at J12.
What would incite voting for the other propositions?

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I think D19 can be kept for the later stage.

J12 looks very interesting, but it’s risky.

A move around O12 looks interesting too, since White is not yet completely alive on the right side.

I’d say O12 is a safe choice. We can see first what White is going to do on the right, and maybe then hit J12.


There is no problem with too much choices as long as the votes can be changed retroactively. We had a discussion about this around a year ago.
Of course it would be better if people would explain their nominations better, but to be honest I’m just happy that people are making them.

In my case I liked the idea of playing around tengen, because it closes off the middle for black, helps against a now possible attack on the G10 group, and may help the moves around O12 (which at this point feel like hurried) to use the ajis from L16 and R9.
I preferred L10 over others, because it came up as a later good move in multiple local patterns and feels like the right shape. The J10 shape point which it makes even more pronounced feels like a bad idea for white even later, as the H12 group can be attacked as a whole, it doesn’t cost a lot of territory to defend against and it’s playing away from the hot O12 area. But these are just feelings, I’m ready to change my vote to get a move with similar effects.


Yes i apologize myself if my words let you think i feel there are too many moves. In fact never i think that since the very beginning of our game.

And there is no request to explain either. Like you I think it’s better, a suggestion on the suggestions. It’s not always as easy as we would like to be, but it’s a major part of my pleasure and others i guess to read and share our evaluation.

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Black to play, please vote!

  • D19
  • J12
  • K8
  • K9
  • K10
  • L10
  • N11
  • O12
  • O13
  • Another move

0 voters

Anyone welcome to vote.
Comments appreciated.





White to play!


White O14 would be a calm option. Then black could follow up with O10, which white would have to answer on the right I think. And maybe black should play the tesuji at J12 then.

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ping (is someone here?)


meanwhile, all correspondence rengo have same problem as this forum game.

I am now far too busy to manage it regularly as i did, sorry.
But the game is still here not finished and open to go further in any case.

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Not true of all correspondence rengo games, if you are referring to the unconscionable delay of games due to players escaping. That is a disease of the casual rengo correspondence games involving absurd numbers of players. There are three ways to avoid the problem: (1) play such games only with comparatively small teams, say 2 to 5 per team (admittedly, these games often end up as 1 v 1 or 2 v 1 in the later stages); (2) play only with known and trusted players (this is being done in the Lounge, in a thread for 3 v 3 games of strict rengo, where the players are all honorable people who don’t bug out on their teammates); (3) petition the mod team to restore escaping in correspondence games as a reportable offense.

This democratic game is open to anyone. Anyone can join and leave as they like, there is no “escaping”.

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