The all-in-one democratic game

This looks very very generous to White…


Tenuki to Q5 - prevent a large extension on the right


How do white play K10 Q5 and S10 at the same time?
Not to say that they are bad suggestions in each move, but looks hard to play 3 times in a row.

white to move

  • R17
  • R12
  • Q12
  • Q5
  • K10
  • other
0 voters



For me we still have some pressure to use on black investment in the upper right.
This discard K10 and Q5

Now I’m bit perplex but not so enthusiastic to let black going up with the Keima at R12 even if R17 Seems natural and straight forward.

So I played Q12

To all voting Q5:

I realize the desire to play actively and take big opening points. At the same time, I don’t think you’re appreciating how consequential the upper right corner is. Take a cue from pro play: the pros play R17 39 times out of 40.

Adding to this, neither nor give playing elsewhere as a legitimate option. Why not? It’s a case of urgent-versus-big. If we play elsewhere, two bad consequences result. First, Black takes Q17 in sente and with it the corner. And then Black spends sente at R5 taking the other corner, too. Black has been playing for territory up to here, and it’s everything Black wanted. Second, playing elsewhere destabilizes our group. After Black trades Q17 for P17, Black is stable in the corner, whereas the white group lacks both a base and eye shape. In fact, every stone we’ve played until now will lack a base.

It’s been said that Go is mainly a game of stability of stones rather than making territory. In other words, when you take care of your stones and destabilize the opponent’s stones, it will naturally pay off in territory at the end. But if you focus too much on taking territory, then you’ll find yourself destabilized and spending more moves not making territory than you would otherwise. I think we should take this lesson to heart.


Sometimes the center of the board is your base :smirk:


Its strength is that it can expand in all directions, am I right?


(the only possible) suggestion time!

black to move

S17 is the obvious move.

S16 is a worse version of S17, or at best just transposes.
Q17 and Q16 get caught in a ladder.
A move like R11 lets White have S16, taking the corner and getting thick.

So, yeah, there seems to only be S17 here. Let’s please not take 12 hours over it…


I’m thinking about something like this exchange - I still want Black to disrupt the potential White base on top


Q16 Q17 hard to not agree
S16 less sure. Black may like to not fix the shape as with S17.
Going to the right side makes no sense after R16

How realistic would it be to add those faces to the markdown of stones for reviews and analysis? As in alongside triangle, square, circle, x etc.


Probably not realistic to add buttons. But the functionality is already there. Just open the letter tool, hold the “Shift” key and click the board. You can enter up to three characters for a custom label.


How did I not know about this?

Just shift clicking for me did it. It brought up a box that let me input a label and then I could place that label wherever!

Taking this to strange new places

But actually more relevant. I do like R17.

It feels like all these keyboard shortcuts and tricks need to be added here There must be loads I don’t know!


Of course. And its weakness is that it can be attacked from all directions. :smiley:


White to play

  • S16
  • S17
  • something else, tell us how

0 voters

Suggestions always welcome (and still valid until the poll closed)

black to play, not white


@Groin Could you explain why you support Black S16 here?