The all-in-one democratic game

It’s an ambitious tesuji that aims at not getting our stone captured. :wink:


How about we take S16 for granted and move on to discussing whether or not we should play R18 as White?

eg. bR16 R12 – Q17+ P17+ – R18x D14 – C14 K16?

Ah yes, two rook moves, followed by consecutive checks, r18 takes. K16? Questionable move


Not so, with K16 the king escapes imminent checkmate masterfully by leaping onto the neighbouring board!


Would it be crazy for black to extend to S18 instead? Even if white takes, black can stay connected by then playing at T16.


I was even suggesting R18 but martin countered with

Maybe the result would be similar to the first diagram but shifting a couple of stones one line over?


Black yose is a bit better in the first dia, but his shape is a bit more painful and white shape stronger, which is more important as yose things.

I just want Black to settle this exchange quickly, and then disrupt White’s top framework:


Which is one reason we should make sure to discuss (6).

Even if b can live with tenuki he will be under great pressure meaning a lot of influence for w and something like 2 points Territory for b

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Can’t Black’s weak group just run down the right side and connect up with reinforcing stones on the bottom / create an extension on the right?

R13 S18 S19…
Black is barely alive with crawling on second line

Tenuki here to split the upper side is what I would have called Korean style 20 years ago (well I dunno if it’s still a thing today)

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Heh, I like to call it my “10-12 kyu still figuring out Go strategy” style :wink:

I’m learning a lot from all you folks, since you bring a higher level of strategic analysis to the game - but I still want to contribute within the limits of my own abilities…

FWIW - so far in this game, I’ve usually been swayed by the reasoning of more advanced players, and end up changing my vote to the move that seems to have the most support. But yeah, it’s interesting to hear feedback on my DDK strategy from players who are SDK and up.

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Oh you know they won a lot of my games, Korean style is not an easy thing to make with.
My Korean friends (real life talking) were entertained by my Japanese style (they qualified me like that) especially the use of influence.
An once of overplay is even programed in AIs …

Black to play

  • S16
  • S18
  • Something else

0 voters


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Did we have a rule that the poll is closed if it gets to 80% in favour of one option, with that option also having at least ten votes?

Or was that only a proposal?

No. speeding poll were dissolved by the majority.
To my understanding after polls, players who participate did want by large majority 24hr instead of 48 but no less too.


But nothing stops you to suggest before poll closed

If black S16 wins, I suggest white Q5
it would be bigger move than protecting few more territory at top right
imagine what would be if black plays here - white may lose entire right side


nothing stops you to suggest before poll closed

Very good point.

So already we have the suggestions

  • R18 (book move, White keeping the territory.)
  • R12 / Q12 (try to pressure Black into taking the corner in gote whilst White gets influence)
  • Q5 (a big tenuki). And if Q5 is worth consideration, so’s R5.

To which I could add K16, making a framework on the top side.

C10 is still big for White as well.

I suggest that we divide these choices up into “local moves” and “tenuki”.

The local moves are R18, R12 / Q12, and K16.
The tenuki are Q5 / R5 and C10.

If we tenuki, we have to consider Black pincering around M16.