The all-in-one democratic game

I’m fine with any corner, as long as it’s a 3-3 :stuck_out_tongue:

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so, R17


we should play tengen for move two. either there or 1-1


How about E16 for white, (upper left corner 4-5 point, the closer one to Blacks stone)

As much as I want to jump on board with some of the more adventurous moves, I’m really kinda feeling D17.

@Groin would you mind adding a link to the demo board to the original post? Just so it’s easier to find.


Absolutely. I edited the first post to add the link.

Sorry for the typo, yes it is 3-4 as the poll is indicating. At least I didn’t put the stone on the wrong place in the demo board, sorry again.

@Vsotvep @Haze_with_a_Z please could you chose, it’s only one choice for each of us.
More general, please indicate clearly your choice with coordinate here in this topic, thank you it will help me a lot for building the next poll.
Until now we have
@Leira K10 (10-10)
@danchap.allan 10-10 (please report here next time)
@stone.defender C4 (mirror go)
@shinuito E16
@RubyMineshaft D17
@Vsotvep C3

Because the game is still quite open, I will wait a bit more to start the poll and let the multi choices players specify their move .
Thanks for your participation!

I’m choosing the 3-3 in the opposite corner.

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Yes it will be more convenient and attractive. I did think that too, I have to investigate how to put these marks, I didn’t try

Ok, I put a variation with all the choices of the poll, please tell me if it could be better done

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I also think for future rounds, it would be nice if the number of votes would be shown before closing the poll. It’s hard to campaign for a move without feedback on how your faction is doing.

That said,



Answer done in the [how-to]

So a 3-3 to not being a black 3-3 soon, that’s it?

In fact only 2 suggestions were a little bit explained besides the pure “feeling”. One for mirror one for “a bit more adventurous”.
I feel a bit hard to be convinced myself in that perspective (besides my own convictions) so I hope for a bit more “advertising” to help me make my mind.

Please check, discuss and vote there:
How long should last the polls?

White 2: D17 wins with 1/3 of the votes

Let’s give your suggestions for black 3.
The game is: HERE

10-10 is my suggestion. someone’ll play there eventually.

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Q3 - if black will mirror white, and then white will mirror black, Mirror Go resurrects!

(and then Tengen by black would be good choice again)

So, if you wish Tengen, you need Mirror Go.

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I concur with Q3. It is the standard double komoku formation for Black.

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If I follow my today’s taste, I’d like to go to some diagonal fuseki, with a hoshi (4x4) for quickness, furthermore, it seems in the right direction looking at white 3-4.
Now I learned somewhere (“fearless”?) that diagonal fuseki is no more so good because white has komi so black has to size some advantage in a full board ambitious development which favors parallel fuseki.
Well I keep my suggestion, I feel the direction to not be that bad (and I am bit bored of parallel)
So D4 my move.

Note: it’s still very early game, and we are not in some reading sequences so I suggest to collect a few more suggestions if any before starting a poll

I’m suggesting Q4. I’m generally a 4-4- player and I want to feel at home in at least one corner. And I want to avoid a diagonal game. Though do I?

That thought has some appeal to me as well. Anyway, I’ll stick with my Q4 suggestion for now, but I might vote D4 in the end, will depend on my mood at that moment.

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Q4 will lead to the orthodox fuseki ( I mean that popular AI one) if I’m not wrong

Anything but boring 4-4!

I’m suggesting lower left takamoku (D5). You don’t see that every day, now do you? :slight_smile:


Nice so just to change, anything about direction to say? Plans?