The all-in-one democratic game

Yeah, I just hate to lose a liberty (It’s my Shusaku-Shuwa famous “perfect” game and the only doubtful move is a move very similar to this one)

What about S6 to ensure a solid quick life? Wouldn’t it be a good honte move? Give hands free for later fights. Going out or expending to live will help black too much

I still want Q11

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They were discussions about R11 instead but seems these didn’t really convince you. I take note. :slight_smile:
So if black answers R11 what do you plan next? Avoid black good shape by playing Q10?

I suggest that the next poll consist of two options, in order to avoid unfairly splitting the vote on either side. Option 1: B15 or B13; Option 2: Tenuki. Subsequently, the poll after that can refine the exact choice, with a more focused discussion. I strongly believe that tenuki is best, but I am too weak to know which tenuki is best.


But we have already more suggestions.
Anyway we are a day after with recovery so I did plan to consider going for a poll from tomorrow only, still time to consider your move suggestion.

Besides that , family grouping can be pretext to disagreement. Some may want a sente/gote a moyo/Territory classification… A bit slippery if I may say.

I believe “other move” option never will win. For same reason O7 may win, but “Tenuki” can’t. So it will make choice between tenuki and not tenuki options not even.
People will vote for “other” only if they truly hate options that poll has.

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Another thing is that by itself B13 and B15 are far from being brothers, it’s two different ways of considering the board.

I would play Q12, aiming to expand the upper moyo

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Do you keep Q11 too (you can, it’s to know if you changed mind on that move compared to Q12) ?

Sorry for the confusion - I was answering your question above.

If black answers the shoulder hit with R11, I follow by extending upwards with Q12 - with the goal of eventually either expanding the upper moyo into the middle, or helping out white’s lower right group - either way, something useful

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After thinking twice you are completely free to organize discussion and make a poll as you wish but I think we should stay fix on the procedure afterall, with regular polls as we did to process the game and vote between the candidates.

Then I will vote for whatever the leading tenuki move is.


You still have time to recover :clinking_glasses:

I just hate to lose a liberty

Agreed. If we tenuki then that makes the push a bad exchange.


**** Ring the bell ****

Let’s do the poll in a few hours.
If your suggestions doesn’t appear yet please give a shot.

White to play please chose.

  • B13
  • B15
  • K10
  • O7
  • Q11
  • Q12
  • S6

0 voters


White B13 wins the poll.

Suggestions time!

Everyone welcome to give a suggestion !


Is there anything but B12?


Yes A13 :wink: