The all-in-one democratic game

If black doesn’t ignore B10, but play C18, black will be alive… (A18 will not work), and we are back to the same position. Although the lower left side white moyo is stronger.

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White B10 looks like a good, solid move to me. Strengthening white’s lower left group seems quite urgent and big. But indeed it may provoke black C18 which opens up white’s upper side for an invasion.

Then how will white continue? I feel that white is still quite busy, wanting to play at several places at once (A-D?)

I would feel easier playing black here.


Wow, I overlooked A18. It’s a ko for the eye in the corner then, right?


A side note: I am critical about white’s play in the upper left.

Let me show a tewari analysis from this hypothetical position (as after move 41 at N5, but without the D13-C13 exchange). So from this starting position:

White got a result equal to this variation, which is a possible alternative sequence of fairly natural moves:


In this sequence, 1 and 2 may be considered miai, so that exchange is probably fine. But besides that, white made some thickness towards the upper side in gote, giving black a secure group with territory in the upper left and N6 in return. Overall, I feel that white incurred himself with a loss here (in this move order, 3 may be suboptimal, 7 looks like a cut on the wrong side and 15 looks slowish).

At his point, it’s already done, so it can’t be helped. But I wanted to share this to show one of the reasons why I feel that black should be leading.


I think B10 is a good move to strengthen white’s lower left group in (semi)sente and Q12 may work to increase white’s center potential a little in sente.

Still, there are multiple of issues left for white to worry about:
White’s lower right group has become weaker, white’s upper side is open for an invasion and black is only one move away from securing almost 60 points on the lower side.

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If that’s the case, why not start with Q12 first, and secure the lower right corner first, or invade the lower side black territory then say start with B10? I feel that they are all more urgent. Besides black can even peep at D9 first to force white connect, and then played C18.

B10 feels like giving give up sente too easy.


Yes, I agree that C18 and B10 are more or less miai and it’s not 100% clear yet which is better for white and it may also not be 100% sente for white to play either of them.

But I’m also not sure if white wants to play Q12 right now. Yes it builds the center a bit, but doesn’t it weaken white’s lower right group, because white loses options like these?

So I worry that it may be too early to play Q12, especially if white intends to invade the lower side right after, weakening the lower right group even more:

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I thought to invade down. Problem is white in the process is creating one more weak group while black doesn’t.

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If White plays B10, I believe that playing elsewhere is a feasible option for Black. There is still a Ko for making a second eye in the corner, and Black can play local Ko threats including C17, D12 etc.


Indeed. There is a saying: A weak group is worth -30 points.

So I think it is correct to feel reluctant about it.

But white needs to decide sooner rather than later, I think. Can white afford to not invade the lower side? What would that strategy look like? Can white reduce instead, while building the center?

It looks quite ambitious and black may resist more forcefully. But if black responds with restraint like this, will it be playable for white? If not, white may not really have a choice about invading.


I thought to give more life to the bottom right but looks a bit without ambition. Maybe time to call @Haze_with_a_Z for a center move? Some central pillar making difficult for black to reduce, helping for invade and helping a bit all the other stones of white around.

That position really looking good for a tengen or a move around.

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Is @Haze_with_a_Z an Ear-Reddening-Move specialist?

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Nah he was our fervent supporter to play tengen in the first stage of the game

You mean something like this?

I can imagine that a timid black player would be intimidated by such an ambitious moyo, but I think a strong black player would feel fairly confident in his ability to whittle it down.

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As per se, a moyo is always to be shared, what is interesting here is the other benefits you could get from pressuring the invader , like an easier invasion of the bottom or more security for the left and bottom right stones

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It might work somehow. Black does need to be careful in his handling of that moyo.

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Large moyo games are most difficult to play I know :slight_smile:

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Black would need to do something with that moyo, I think. Securing the lower side and reducing white’s moyo only shallowly may not be quite enough for black:

82 points, I like that, look almost like a DDK game.

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Well I feel like in a sanrensei fuseki putting my stone on the tengen and asking myself if this time finally things will go well.

K11 or K10? K10 aims better for connection with invading or other left stones, but not tight enough?