The all-in-one democratic game

C7 should probably be polled.

I have the impression that this is basically a tsumego with definite right and wrong answers, which is why participation has declined – the weaker players would rather let the stronger ones read it out.

At this juncture, understanding of the position depends on reading a lot of combat explanation from the participating dans, and I don’t think most of the kyus can be bothered with that (which is also clearly frustrating the more tactically powerful players like gennan).

I’d suggest that the impasse was brought about by the somewhat gratutious (71) D7. If Black had just covered at H7 then we would probably have maintained more interest – it wasn’t as though White would have had time to patch up the left and prevent that invasion any time soon anyway.


Interesting, but close-combat fighting is an important part of go. And it’s rather exciting, don’t you think so?

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I feel like we have enough suggestions if someone wants to put the vote together (I might do it if Groin is busy)

Any last minute suggestions? Anything we missed?

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Black to play - please vote


  • B6
  • C7
  • D9
  • F5
  • F9

0 voters


Black to F5 wins

I guess the big question now is - are there any other moves for White besides the cut at E5? Discuss!


C7? C6? Even B6?

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OK, just trying to keep this thread alive. Here are the suggestions so far for White:


Any others? Or are we ready to vote?


OK, let’s vote! White to play:

  • B6
  • C6
  • C7
  • E5

0 voters

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E5 wins for White. How does Black respond?


C6 to cut and match whites C4 group?

I feel like D9 and F9 are still viable moves.

Renewing D8. We should also include C7 for completeness.

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Hi everybody!
I’d like to suggest B6 as an offer to avoid bloodshed. Let white capture E6 (maybe D7 too) and let black connect underneath.
But I’m not sure what happens if white resists and blocks the connection underneath.



Oops! Messed up the 1st poll - let’s try again

Black to play


  • B6
  • C6
  • C7
  • D8
  • D9
  • F9

0 voters

now it exists for less than 20 hours and why anonymous?

I see, new poll creation interface!


Sorry folks yeah the new interface is a bit confusing. Should we redo this vote?

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Hi everyone - well, I feel like I messed up the last poll - not once but twice : \

Should we

  • Just go ahead with F9 even if it only got 2 votes?
  • Redo the poll so more people can vote?

0 voters

If we redo it, maybe someone else can do the poll this time? I will be mostly AFK for the next 2 days.

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Let’s do a poll with the timing everyone expects. Two votes is barely democratic anyway.

As between F9 and my selection, D8, see below. After F9, White can deftly dodge to D8 and kill the aji. But Black playing there in advance is forcing and removes this option. That’s my thinking.


I also don’t see F9 working at the moment. But I’m also not sure about B7 as white’s answer to D8. It could lead to a ko, while C7 reduces black’s liberties enough for white to win the semeai without a ko.

At least in those two variations: