I drink a wide variety of things, really depends where i am! At tournaments i’ll frequently drink coffee or tea if it’s freely available, or energy drinks if those are easier to find.
One of the places I play Go at is a board game cafe/bar, and once in a blue moon I’ll drink alcohol there, but normally I just order tea.
I imagine if I had similarly-ranked irl Go friends, drinking and playing could be a lot of fun. But alack
If I’m in one of those rare places where Moxie is available, though, I’m definitely drinking that
I’m a tea drinker (obvs?) but if playing Go IRL then it’s usually in a pub so I’ll usually drink beer then. Nothing to do with Go but it’s weird to drink tea in a pub
I voted for tea because that’s what I usually drink at tournaments. I never drink coffee, it disrupts my sleep too much. In my go club, tea is not available so I drink
I usually only drink tea after I have drunk my coffee quota of the day
I thought Go players would prefer tea because Go seems to be associated more with tea than any other drink. And tea is said to calm people down while coffee will only get people more hyper which may not be good for Go
Coffee is great with Go but I do love me a beer and a game on the occasional weekend. I end up drinking tea most often because i play in the evenings and can’t have the caffeine from coffee at 9pm haha
Definitely a coffee drinker. Trying to reduce my caffeine intake though (for the sake of my poor coworkers ). Lots of green tea and water in the mix now.
To be honest, the two weeks french summercanp which was taking place in the 80’s remembered as “Sanillac”, had a few hundreds of participants of which more as half of them were enjoying weed all day. It was like something really natural to start a game by rolling your joint in front of your opponent whoever he was.
And for the drinking side after a short sleeping time from 7 am to noon we had to start a new day with apéritif just before lunch.
Well I don’t think that this will enhance the quality of your game in my opinion so i feel it to be a bit absurd sanction. If it disturb the organization itself ( I don’t think so) but you can come drunk to a tournament if you wish so and that could really disturb a running tournament. It’s basically about what is legal or not in the society, not about doping or disturbing.
But it could surely enhance your pleasure to play (don’t have to ofc). For the quality this pleasure to be like a monk contemplating the wonders of the world won’t compensate the loss in freshness for reading and focus occuring. Especially when time is involved like in a tournament. My opinion.
If a sports association (such as NGoB) has not joined the Institute for Sports Justice (Instituut Sportrechtspraak), they are obliged to have their own doping regulation, which should be okayed by the Doping Authority.
I remember there were also doping regulations during the Asian Games, but the Korean players were doing something like acupuncture on their heads which was allowed. I’m not sure whether it actually helped though.
There were also random checks done during some amateur international tournaments.