A game that is at scoring has the dialog “The highlighted locations may need to be sealed before the game can be scored correctly”.
Briefly a dialog popped up saying something about “shift clicking” – I didn’t catch all that the dialog said.
There is an opponent’s group that is alive (actually I may be able to force a ko but I’m winning anyway) – this group has to points that are highlighted pink.
Can we just ignore the pink points and score the game accurately?
that message should appear when there is hole in border somewhere
if there is no hole its bug
if there is indeed a hole, you should resume game and close the hole
territory surrounded by alive stones of both colors will not be scored,
if its big, wrong user may be chosen as a winner.
Pretty sure its this one:
It was the white group in the lower left.
Game went to scoring without white at b3 and that’s when it showed two pink highlighted points inside white’s group.
The game resumed and white played b3 which removed the pink highlighted points at scoring.
When that happened there was another dialog that said something along the lines of “End game – black predicted win 100%”.
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