The Hurt / Heal Joseki Game!

Ohh, hurting the ponnuki variation. I like the ponnuki, remind me to heal it tomorrow :stuck_out_tongue:

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I’m gonna wait until there’s less to choose from before I play.


just pick 2 numbers from 1-26 or something

By the way, I’m missing josekis that start with komoku - high approach - low one-space pincer. This used to be very popular when I started playing. For example this one:
Did it go out of fashion and everyone attaches underneath nowadays?


Yeah, but I felt I already had so many komoku variations… Maybe I should have included more pincer joseki, though. As I suggested in the other thread, we can maybe add a couple more as the game progresses.


Komoku josekis = 1/3 of a joseki dictionary so no worry
(+ Some of 3-5 and 4-5 joseki if you consider tenuki)
Heal 27
Hurt 18

Heal #29 as it has been my faithful companion to many SDK victories.

Hurt that treacherous #22 to the ground!!!

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I guess we have to have same time zones.cuz in mine they are in different days , just earlier every day,

Heal 23 hurt 19

Like I said:

with which I mean I will consider timezones in deciding if a vote is placed too soon or not.

Now, let’s see if you’re speaking the truth. Your first vote was 2020-09-13T09:13:00Z, your second at 2020-09-13T22:40:00Z and your third at 2020-09-14T11:25:00Z. So that’s three votes in 26 hours. They could be on different dates, for example if you live in Hawaii, the first was on the 13th, and the third on 15th.
However, I’m pretty sure in your timezone the last two were given on the same day.

Anyway, I’ll count your last vote as the one for Sept. 15th.


Heal the egg joseki! (#19)

Hurt Oldschool 3-3 invasion (#10) - With the hane on the second line, it’s almost like an endgame sequence.

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I’m healing #13 and hurting #16.

Oh I thought it was the other one bruh that one didn’t count if thought it wasn’t that one.Or maybe I will just not vote today I guess I need to pay attention to the clock.

Heal #5, hurt #6

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I, sir, would like to heal #5 and hurt #10

The press (#27) is off to a strong start!

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Hurt 2
Heal 8(83 doesn’t exist)

Heal #21 because it’s not the joseki we need, but the joseki that we deserve.

If you hate White @ 2, Hurt #7

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Hurt 4
Heal 18

I made this joseki snapshot of 2019. Might be interesting for people who enjoy this thread.


Heal 27
Hurt 13