The Hurt / Heal Joseki Game!

Another Hurt / Heal round, after the Fuseki game was completed, it’s now time to continue the legacy with Joseki!

I’ve tried to get 30 of the most popular joseki (either by name or by being played a lot), mostly using waltheri. But there are simply too many joseki, so I’m sure I’ve missed your favourite option. Sorry for that! Here are the rules:

  • Each joseki starts with 10 points.
  • Once per day, each user can vote for a joseki to hurt and a joseki to heal.
  • Hurting a joseki will make it lose 3 points.
  • Healing a joseki will make it gain 2 points.
  • When a joseki reaches 0 points (or less) it is eliminated.
  • The last joseki remaining wins.

I’ll try to update the point list in this post at least once daily. If about 5 people vote daily, this game should be done in about 2 months :slight_smile:


I’ve given them numbers to make it easier to reference. Feel free to come up with names for those without a name.

# Name / Description Diagram Pts
#1 Everyone’s first joseki
Hoshi into low approach into low extension
image 12
#2 Everyone’s first modern joseki
Hoshi into low approach into low extension
image 10
#3 Hoshi into low approach into low extension image 8
#5 Hoshi into low approach into low extension image 12
#6 Hoshi into low approach into low extension image 8
#7 Hoshi into low approach into low small pincer image 11
#8 Hoshi into low approach into high extension image 14
#9 Hoshi into low approach into high large pincer image 16
#11 AlphaGo’s 3-3 invasion Mk II
Hoshi into sansan invasion into single hane
image 1
#12 Getting sente 3-3 invasion
Hoshi into sansan invasion into extend
image 12
#13 Ponnuki 3-3
Hoshi into sansan invasion into double hane
image 14
#14 AlphaGo’s 3-3 invasion Mk III
Hoshi into sansan invasion into keima
image 4
#15 Hoshi into sansan invasion into keima image 10
#16 Flying knife joseki
Hoshi into sansan invasion into keima
image image 9
#18 Shusaku diagonal joseki
Komoku into low approach into kosumi extension
image 9
#20 Komoku into low approach into kick image 10
#21 Komoku into high approach into inside keima attachment
image 14
#22 Greedy komoku joseki
Komoku into high approach into inside keima attachment
image 5
#24 Large avalanche
Komoku into high approach into inside keima attachment
image image 9
#26 Sansan into hoshi into extend image 8
#29 Takamoku into komoku approach into inside keima attachment image 10
#30 Takamoku into komoku approach into keima press image 5
Finished 23rd Hoshi into low approach into kick image
Finished 24th: Magic Sword joseki
Komoku into high approach into high large pincer
image image
Finished 25th: Downward press
Mokuhazushi into komoku approach into keima press
image image
Finished 26th: Taisha joseki
Mokuhazushi into komoku approach into ogeima press
image image
Finished 27th: Small avalanche
Komoku into high approach into inside keima attachment
Finished 28th: Egg joseki
Komoku into low approach into low small pincer
Finished 29th: Oldschool 3-3 invasion
Hoshi into sansan invasion into single hane
Finished 30th: Hoshi into low approach into low extension image

I’m kicking the game off as well.

Hurt #19 (who likes that one? it’s so ugly)
Heal #3 (just learnt it for the first time, I like it!)

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Wait don’t I get to cuztomize the rules a bit(as it is my game if you didn’t know)(@Vsotvep is the helper of this game and I guess the person who actually did something.)I think we should make it so you can hurt and heal once every twelve hours.

You have no idea how much time I put into assembling this, do you? Calling it “your game” and me the “helper” is just a little bit out of proportion…

I’m fine with once every 12 hours, if everyone else is, but I personally think 24 hours is nicer. We’re in no hurry here :slight_smile:


Love your euphemistic use of a little bit :smiley:

Why not use the names Yoshio Ishida gave the joseki’s in his three volume series Dictionary of Basic Joseki?
This has two advantage:

  • you can look them up / refer to.
  • it will be less confusing than creating new names for joseki’s that already have a name.

Would it be possible to supply the joseki in a live form (that by clicking you can see how the joseki comes into existence, just like in the analysis mode)?
I do realise this is a lot of work, but it makes this game better accessible to go players like me.


Yes, I was thinking about how to do this. I thought about sharing a demo board, but the move tree on OGS is not very easy to interpret either.

Maybe I (or someone else? :stuck_out_tongue: ) can make some GIFs later.

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I’m seeing a new helper around :wink:

Heal 27
Hurt 29

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I mean u r kinda the host but I created it so…

Heal 23

Sure, why not?
I can name the joseki’s according to Ishida like this:

  • 3-4: Small knight approach, I-5-7
    opening move, response, Ishida / volume / pages.

I vaguely know what that is, but that is all.

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Need to check if all are in the prehistoric Ishida.
I’m thinking of the 3-3 invasion of course.

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I know the solution, I can just link to our own Joseki dictionary!


Not all of them will be in Ishida, but based on Ishida’s system a naming should be possible (without a reference to Ishida, but maybe a reference to OGS Joseki Dictionary).

Prehistoric Ishida?
New insights are always based on predecessors, like standing on the shoulders of giants.

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Heal #29, 5-4 gang represent

Hurt #9 because (11) is not joseki afaik, unless it’s a new move. [Changed to #4]

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It’s the most common location to play (11), according to waltheri. Also, it’s been around since at least the 90’s. Moreover, usually (12) is then tenuki.

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Oh, I didn’t see that (6) is on the board. Alright, let me rethink my hurt turn.

Hurt #4

Make sure to give #9 its points back~


Haha, you are right. Didn’t find many of @Vsotvep’s joseki’s in Ishida.
Lot of things have changed, no doubt also as a consequence of AlphaGo.
Credit where credit’s due.
:+1:t5: :+1:t5:


Hurt 19 and Heal Flying Flying Knife (#16).

PS: I think 24 hours is perfect for this sort of game and see no reason to reduce it to 12.


I’ve tried giving the joseki a rough description of the first few moves.


Hurt 1
Heal 9