The Second Go Battle Royale ⚔

@yebellz I want to warn you: I think Golden Empire plans an act of gross aggression against one of their neighbours. I think you should consider anticipating it with defending move around M8. I think so because I do not see another way of surviving for this empire.


I’ll play L14

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Golden Empire (@NeilAgg),

It appears that you have a second neighbor (in Orange) looking to cause issues for you. As I’ve said to all, I’m aiming for peace and prosperous cooperation in this game.

Best regards,


Next to play is @ArsenLapin1 :slight_smile:

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Cerulean (@ArsenLapin1),

we have noticed that a lot is going on in the middle of the board. Please be assured that Blue will continue playing mutually beneficial moves, and will guard your territory in the lower-left corner to the best of Blues ability.
Good luck with the central negotiations.



Is it your way of gratefulness for the good advice? Inciting Golden Empire to treat Orange as enemy (while Orange several times proved to mean no harm) and performing direct sneaky attack on the lonely outpost (once again)? I cannot tell how much I am discouraged. But it does not matter as Orange always keep their word and comes to the rescue when troubles happen.


Blue @martin3141 ,

Thank you for your help and protection. We are happy to have you as a neighbour.

The center appears to have calmed down now that Gold has realised that bamboo joints couldn’t really be cut through that easily.

Cerulean plays at D3.


Next is Orange @sokoslav


This is Spyro Quiet of the Imperial Security Beereau. I have to inform all the Gobanians that Warden Slippery was found not guilty at his house this evening. All charges dropped. He recharges on the electrical chair. Have a good knight.


@antonTobi I want to ask you: how do you see further development of Red Empire? What are your next steps in this game?

@NeilAgg It looks like there is no chance you can build two eyes with your group. How are you going to solve this problem?

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Dear Warden Slippery,

Whatever you plan next, you have the Cerulean Kingdom’s support.

– General Crosseyed of the Cerulean Kingdom


Some next moves I’m considering are N9 and O5. I do not have a clear plan for long term development (too hard to predict what will happen in the center and how that will affect the rest of Gobania). But it is in my continued interest to leave N14 and N3 alone (and protect them if I can), since I would prefer your F9 and H6 outposts to live long and prosper.

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I’m glad to hear that! But I’m a bit anxious about your current vision because I heard an opinion that you are in a preferential position, born rich and so on - but I think this opinion is just a rumour designed to calm you down, make you sluggish and feeble. You have accomplished to control around 26 points of territory, but is it that much? There are overall 225 points and 225 / 6 = 37 is the minimum one has to control to be sure he does not die of old age. With moves like O5 you are taking risk of being sealed in.
And may any of my neighbours start convulsing – I would die together with him.
My current plan (as mentioned before) is to settle up N3 outpost, starting with N2, but that would shackle one of your flanks.

I’m trying to maintain a balance between keeping a good position and not hurting my friends (or otherwise making enemies by expanding too much). For the time being, I’m quite happy to play solid moves such as N9 or O5 instead of continuing expansion. However, I will not go so far as to play inside my own territory while there is still some empty space around M8 and M12.

Obviously N2 looks locally very attractive to me, but it is important to me that N3 survives, so I would rather you play it (be it now or later).


Orange descents



After some further consideration, I’ll go with N12:
(no agression intended towards any neighbour, I’m just trying to avoid being fully sealed in)

@NeilAgg is up next!


The Great Golden Empire moves armies to F7 to begin a supply line to our remote outpost:

Next is @martin3141


In a world where Red is resorting to nobi and empty triangles to avoid being cut, I’m pretty amazed that this Blue keima and this Gold elephant move were both connected seamlessly with no other players attempting to cut:


The blue Keima could only be cut with the help of Cerulean (@ArsenLapin1) who is Blues ally. Therefore playing the keima was safe, right?

Blue is thinking of playing F6, and will finalise a move in a few hours.


Indeed. What about the Golden elephant move?

Blue decided to play G3 instead:


We can only speak for the blue stones. Blue never considered trying to cut Yellow. Since the main blue groups are far away, a move like F8 would have likely started a fight that gets Blue into trouble and / or ends up hurting one of the nearby orange groups. Such a move would be against our policy, which is to maintain peaceful relationships with our neighbours as long as possible.

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