Through the Years: Long Correspondence

Well, the very top of the list is currently occupied by nonsense. And the rest of the first page is filled with tournaments that were supposed to be started already but waiting for more players. I doubt we’ll reach the first page.


True. I think any tournament that is past its start date and has less than 2 players should be removed immediately. That would reduce the list a bit at least and wouldn’t harm anyone. (No, I don’t count losing the hope that a second person might finally join now after the tournament was supposed to be running already as harm.)


I am tempted to join the tournaments that only need one more person to remove them from the list!


I’ve done that before. Unfortunately many need 4 players to start so it isn’t just a 1 person joins and it starts.

This, and also the people already in it (1 or 2 players usually) are not serious about it and drag the tournament forever anyway.

We can make a clearing team out of a few fast players.

If you want, we can make a secret chat for our operation.


Um, “clear out” the fast players? Should I be worried?.. … … … … … … … … …

Or clear out those zombie tournaments?

Yeah, team for clearing dead tournaments. It’s better to consist of fast players.


If I were a bad person, which I am but not to that extent (usually - exceptions apply), I would just join to get it going and then resign. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Well I often get timeout wins from those.

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One thing I’ll be curious to see is how much the time constraint encourages experimentation. Maybe you see a move you like but you’re thinking yeah, but I still have three weeks to think about it. Is that move really the best I can do? Success in go isn’t always about sticking with what you know, but it’s also true that you can overthink this stuff.

At what point will the spirit of adventure lead people into quicksand? I tend to be conservative in these matters. My idea of going wild is to play a 5-3 opening, maybe pincer something. But certainly this tournament has big potential to produce some weird and wondrous sights, the go equivalents of Bigfoot and the Loch Ness monster.


Some Numbers

There are currently 1903 players signed up. With 10 days left before the tournament starts, there is a good chance of surpassing 2000 players at the start.

For comparison, there are currently 2479 players participating in the site-wide 19x19 ladder.

For the first round (assuming that I understand the tournament structure), there should be at least 200 groups of 10, with each group launching 45 games. Thus, there will be Over 9000! games in the first round.

For comparison, there are currently 20204 ongoing correspondence games.

A week and a half from now, probably over 30% of the ongoing correspondence games will be part of this tournament.


That’s the real reason for this post. I see you.


I guess we’ve got to get everyone from that ladder in. We must surpass the ladder!!!

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Or else we will have to make the date later.We got some mad inviting to do.

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I got an invite to this tournament but I won’t be taking part. I’m not sure how S_Alexander found my name since I’ve never played him, or talked to him and I don’t post here often.

Lets see. There are 1920 registered to take part but this thread has only been viewed 1.1k times. So, there are about 820 people who signed up without reading this thread? S_Alexander has clearly been very busy messaging people!! Masochist alert!!

Looking through the other tournaments I see that there is another loooong tournament that is supposed to start in 6 years and another that will start in 10 years!! Will the people who sign up even remember?

There is a lot of interesting anti-aging research under way at the moment. How long before someone creates a tournament that starts in 100 years, just in case?


Well some people just don’t look at the forums. I am sure some of this thread’s views are from either the same person or from people who aren’t participating.


Server is lagging just showing the tournament page. I can’t even imagine what will happen when the tournament begins. :grin:
This could be remembered in future as “the tournament that broke OGS” :sweat_smile:


Please somebody check on anoek.
We may need a gofundme for his coffee consumption.